A decade of funny porn with Pornoise

Pornoise is an italian band of "Wastecore" commanded by Pitale -the depraved mind behind the band-, with whom we have exchanged a few words to do this interview.

Hell-o Pitale, first of all, wellcome to Brutalism and thank you for answer to this interview.
Thank you brothers.

Your music are made by yourself and you play it alone. What's the reason for it? You don't like to receive influences from other person to compose your mu-sick?
I have other bands and projects with other people but Pornoise it's simply a part of me, this is the main reason to play alone in Pornoise.

You think that write the lyrics and compose the music by only one person it's more difficult than if the band have two or more members?
I don't think so, it's just a choice.

Your discography is composed by major number of splits instead of full albums, what's the reason for this?
Because I like to release with other bands of the rest of the world by brotherhood with them.

What kind of music or bands do you listen usually? Your music is influenced by this music or bands?
I like what I like hahaha... I listen to any kind of music, from grind to jazz. Any song could be my influence!! My biggest inspiration for Pornoise is Monastat 7, Genital Deformities, Anal Cunt, Meat Shits and a local singer called Alvaro Amici!!!

What kind of things inspire to you when you write the lyrics?
I think to play funny porn and talk about funny stories about porn. I think that songs like Wonderful anal bleach, Dildo, 'U gelato and many more are very funny!!!

The last year you've released the album compilation entitled "69 Squirts (10 Years of Wastecore)" to celebrate a decade of noise. What are your plans for the future?
Maybe to make some new release because I like to share my music.

Do you have other projects appart of Pornoise?
Yes, I sing in an indie band called Pendaglio Da Forca (www.facebook.com/pendagliodaforca) and I play in two projects: Vampirized (www.facebook.com/vampirized) and Tribalone (www.facebook.com/tribalone). Tribalone is an industrial band.

What do you think about the italian scene at present? Can you recommend us some bands from Italy?
I like the italian scene. My favourite italian bands are Ultimo Mondo Cannibale, Tsubo and early Cripple Bastards.

The italian labels are interested on italian bands or they like more the foreign bands?
I don't know anything about it because I'm out of the music business, I prefer to make releases by DIY (do it yourself).

Russia, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy... in these countries the number of bands that plays extreme music are increased more and more during the last years. Do you think that the european scene is today the more important focus of extreme music?
No I don't think so. I think that Mexico and South America in general have a good scene today.

What do you think about the musical changes of well-known bands like Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel, Metallica and many more?
I don't listen to this bands today because I prefer their early releases. I think if you want to change your music you must to change the name of the band!!!

If anybody wants to buy your works, what's the way to obtain it?
Hahahahaha... Good question!!! I DON'T KNOW!!! Maybe contact me in www.facebook.com/wastecore or www.facebook.com/pitale

Well Pitale, to finish the interview, would you like to tell something more?
I would like to say thanx to all my fans and friends around the world for the support during this tears!!! Piss and love!!!

Thanks a lot for your attention. We wish you the best to you and Pornoise.
Thanx to you brother, it was a pleasure for me. Take care!!!

Interviewer: Hijo del Dolor
Apr 19, 2012

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