Growing Cells is dreaming of riffs

The band began in 1996. Its members, who came from other bands, were looking for an own sound identity into the old thrash & death metal. In those days the band had three members: Alex (drums), ‘Cesc & Carles (guitars).
But when their singer Elena joined the band they developed their style;melodic, fast & original, mixing the different ways of “metal”.
At the end of 1997 the band line-up was completed when Ricard, the bass player & one of the most important elements to add depht to the sound, joined them.
The lyrics of Growing Cells have a lot of variety, they are about feelings and emotions, with an imaginative point of view and sometimes lyrics go to places where only imagination can reach.
Growing Cells are:
Alex: Drums
Ricard: Bass
‘Cesc: Guitar & vocals
Elena: Lead vocals
Carles: Guitar
In November of 1998 they decided to record 9 songs which are included in their first CD, released in the beginning of 1999.
Presently the band is playing live and composing new songs for the forthcoming CD.
interview with Carles on 11-4-2001
Please introduce yourself and your function in the band?
Greetings, I’m Carles and i play the guitar in Growing Cells and I also compose melodies as well as contribute to the other ideas emerged from the imagination of my bandmates
Why did you start playing metal?
I’ve been listening to metal for 13 years. It’s the music of my heart, I love playing it and I don’t think I’d feel complete if I gave it up.
Are you a full time musician? If not, do you dream of earning your living with the band?
Unfortunately, we have full-time jobs therefore we have to play in our spare time. We would love living as a musicians but time will tell...
Does the name Growing Cells has a deeper meaning?
Not really. We formed the present band from the ashes of another one whose style was more death and we decided to change the name because the old one sucked and secondly, because we already had composed the song “Growing Cells” and we thought that it could fit well in our new ideas. Some people really dislike our name and they even think it doesn’t fit with our style but we don’t have plans for changing it actually.
Do you also like Paella like I do?
Fortunately, Spain has a lot varitey on food depending on the region and stuff. Paella is one of those great dishes and surely the most popular one. It is a great dish!!!
Did you tried a male vocalist before Elena joined?
Yeah, ‘Cesc used to do all the vocals but a friend of us introduced us Elena and we saw her voice did fit well in our style. so she definetely joined the band.
Do you build the songs around her voice?
Not really. We keep composing the songs concentrating ourselves on the music itself. After that Elena and CEsc start adapting their voices to the melodies and the result is purely amazing!!
Do you have some reactions from people outside Spain?
Yeah, we sent our stuff abroad and the majority of the opinions have been positive, no deals yet though.
Do you play live in the local scene or troughout whole Spain?
We have only played in our town and also a little bit around our own region. The reaction has also been positive and we are pretty satisfied.
What kind of music do you listen yourself?
All kinds of metal actually. I started when I was 12 with Maiden and stuff but I quickly hit into thrash metal. therefore bands such as Kreator, Slayer,Sodom, Nuclear Assault..are the bands of my teens so they are my favourites ones. After that I’ve been listening to some death metal as well as some melodic stuff and a little bit of black too. I also enjoy old hardcore like Agnostic Front, D.R.I..and the extreme one like Extreme Noise Terror as well.
Did you meet a lot of backstabbers in the musicscene yet?
I’ve been pretty lucky ‘cos I haven’t met any at the moment, probably because we aren’t much popular yet...Time will tell.. May their bodies lay dead..
Are you a follower of FC Barça? Or other sport interest?
I’m not interested in soccer or any other kind of sports.
Where do you get inspiration for the music?
Tricky question. Sometimes I dream of riffs and sometimes all of a sudden some melodies come up and this means it’s time to pick up the guiyar and start working on the ideas.
If there was no music what would you do in the spare time?
I have no idea, I cannot imagine life without music..I don’t really understand why some people can say they don’t have any particular taste in music..well.. that’s their problem..I love music!!!
Your last rites?
Thank you very much Twan for your support and interest and best wishes to you and your project Brutalism!!!! Those who want to know more about us check out our website at
Fare well