Imbolc and life after the contest

Started in 1997, Imbolc consists of four persons who are devoted to playing METAL in it's purest form. Their basic style is death/black metal, but since all four are influenced by the many sides of metal you might recognize other influences. After playing a lot of shows Imbolc entered the ’Gooise Goden’ contest, and won due to a great live performance and fine structured songs. The first price was the recording of a demo. With the release of their debut CDemo ’Symphony of Pain’ upon this earth, Imbolc hopes to bring the joy in playing aggressive, melodic metal across to as many metal freaks as possible. In the future Imbolc will bring their music to new extremities as long as what consists in our sick little minds can be realized in live-performances.
Imbolc hopes to become a much seen band on various stages through out the country.
interview with Bram on 23-11-2001
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
Weel, my name is Bram and I'm one of the guitarists in Imbolc. I also do some of the vocals.
Where does the band stand for?
Imbolc stands for metal in it's purest form. Our view on metal is really simple, it's all about having fun in playing blasting metal and drink a good beer. We do have a little lyrical concept, our other guitarist Tijmen is really into celtic stuff. So some lyrics are related to this subject.
What is your target to shoot at?
Our first aim is to play live as much as possible and making sure everybody knows Imbolc. For the future, we would like to record a full length cd (on a label). But as I said...this is only for the future, right now we focus on the live shows.
Where do you know eachother from?
Tijmen and Ronald (drums) have been friends for many years and I got in touch with them through some other musical efforts. Digna (bass) joinend Imbolc after an add in ’Aardschok’.
Did it help for you to win the contest, besides the CD recording?
Yes, it sure did. We got the opportunity to play a few more shows. In that way we got more live experience.
Are you satisfied with the end result of the CD? Any reactions already?
We are very happy with the result, we had only two full days to record it and it was hard work (mixing was done later). A friend of mine is a producer and engineer and he helped us out a lot. He was able to get everything on the right track. The reactions we've had so far are really positive.
Any contact with other bands? Do you have any mentors?
There are lot of bands we're in contact with. In Utrecht there are bands like Virulent and Detonation (which are very good bands). I don't have any mentors but there are a few bands that I like. My personal favourites are Hypocrisy, Solefald, Die Apocalytischen Reiter and Disfear.
How do you drink your beer? And how fast? What is the best cure for a hangover?
It's not ’how’ I drink my beer, but ’how often’. I like my beer cold in a glass (bottles are also good). I am not a fast drinker but I can keep drinking for hours. The best cure for a hangover is to have a good (fat) meal, then start drinking again.
What do you do in daily time? How much spare time to put in the band?
I study communicationsystems in Utrecht, and this is my third year. Tijmen and Ronald both work and Digna combines study and work as a teacher. We're putting a lot of spare time in the band. Not only to practice but also to have a beer together.
Which people do you admire in the metal scene? Why?
Not one in particular. I do admire Napalm Death for being the grandparents of grindcore.
Which people do you admire in daily life? Why?
The people who invented beer. Where would we be without it.
Do you like doing inties? Your fav questions?
Sure I like doing them and my favourite questions are the ones about our music. I like to talk about music because I could't imagine a life without it.
Are you playing covers when rehearsing? Which ones?
We have played a few covers. We did ’Raping the earth’ by Extreme Noise Terror, ’Iron maiden’ by Iron Maiden and we did ’Marrutuku’ by The Abyss.
Play any covers at gigs? And non metal songs?
Same songs as above.
Do you believe in Sinterklaas?
Hell yeah!
Looking forward for the Christmas holidays? What will you do?
I think I will be working to get some extra cash. (I need a good amp)
How much money do you spend on fireworks on newyearsday?
None, I have done that in the past but now I just party.
Do you want to make a living out of Imbolc?
I don't think that is going to happen. For now I just focus on my study.
What is your fav tv serie? Fav movies to watch?
I don't have a fav tv serie but there aresome film I like.I like the movies ’Plunkett and maclean’, Thursday and Midnight Express
Do you buy your clothes yourself or your mother?
Haha, a few weeks ago she bought me some socks. But seriously she doesn't give a shit about what I wear.
Do you have a nickname? Being proud of it?
Some friends of mine call me Gonzo. But that's not a name we use in the band. I don't like it when bandmembers give themselves other names.
Do you shave with a razor or machine?
Machine, it's much faster. Damn, I really hate shaving myself.
Last attempt to promote the band?
Well, I hope people will get the chance to see us play live. We will guarantee some pure metal and a good performance. Also check us out at
Last rites?
Twan, thanks for this interview. It's good to see people supporting the underground metal scene.
Nov 23, 2001
Nov 23, 2001
Next interview:
The violent sonic combination of Illogicist
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