Ingurgitating Oblivion take their time for answering

E-mail interview with some lazy members of the band, Ulli, Christian and Florian. Interview done by Rick in September 2007 and answered in Februari 2008.

Well Christian, Uli...hello again. My god its been 3 years since I have seen or talked to you guys so we are gonna catch up alittle bit. ULI!!!!! Put that back in your one wants to see that!!!!!! We are trying to be professional for Christ sake!! At least lube it up......GOD!
C: Well at least Ulli has got a good, clean (ahmm, sort of...) family-friendly hobby. Not to forget: Wanking ist Krieg!!!! (There we go with the lovely black-metal clichee's...)
U: Hey Rick, nice to talk to you.Sorry man, I can’t help about it, it happens to be that big! By the way, my proud European member still has a foreskin so no need for lube here. Just in case you wanted to know, that is.
F: Circumcision is so yesterday ... how about some lovely, sportive sodomy?

Alright guys, down to business, now that Uli is finished. Please tell everyone here at BRUTALISM, and all who read this shamefull piece of literature who you are and what you do in your band. Uli we already know what you do in the whats your other duites?
C: What do you mean by 'reading'? You mean this is actually going to be published? Ohhh my gawd! So, my duties in this band (apart from looking good and being an arrogant piece of shit) is handling the lowest frequencies known to man (bass-playing,that is) and keeping Ulli from masturbating in public/ on stage...
In everyday's live I'm trying to finish my doctorade and work at a company selling clothes for fat ladies....Very metal, isn't it?
U: Apart from stage antics I am responsible for quite a bit of the lyrics (together with Florian/ guitars) and - obviously – vocals. Additionally I fuck around concerning the visual side,that means logos,shirt design/layout etc. Here and there I also contribute a riff or two... that’s it, basically.
F: I am one of the guitarists fiddling around with his instrument, being all pleased once a riff makes sense, checking out mental new techniques every once in a while, composing most of foundation of the IO incubations and not quite as good-looking as our vocalist ...

Please indulge us if you will, how and where I.O. got started and what inspired you to create the sickening blissfull metal you create.
C: As I am the 'new guy' in the band, I can only tell you what my intention was to enter this bunch of freaks- Creating Death-Metal in the way it is meant to be: sinister, sickening,with a certain kind of atmosphere, an artform of its own!
Coming to think of it,I'm no longer the newbie: As you might have read on our website we got a new drummer since july, and the music is just getting more obscure, sick and brutal...
U: Christian nailed it on the head (not the cross). If you want to know about the early stages and developments of the band you better take a look at the history section of our website Ok, rather lazy to point readers to another link but as it is a long story we decided to cut it short here – hah!
F: As the sole remaining original band member, I could certainly delve into that matter off the cuff ... but, as Ulrich has pointed out, check out our site to get background information ... otherwise I run the risk that I get extremely sentimental.

Now I have lived in Germany, and had the honor playing there a few years ago. To me Germany period has a rather budding music scene. Whats your take on the scene there in Germany?
C: Sure, there are some really good bands here like Fetocide, BK49 (R.I.P) but in my humble opinion the scene here is not more budding than anywhere else...To be honest most bands that I just discovered for my listening pleasure dwell in more 'exotic' places like South-America (Melektaus) or Australia (Portal). But sure it is good fun to go to/ play at festivals like Ludwigshafen Deathfest and so on. To make long story short: We got a good scene here,but unfortunatly people seem not to be willing to support bands the way they deserve it. One example: there where some punx complaining about the ticket-prices of the aforementioned Ludwigshafen Deathfest, which was a little more than 1€ per band....
U: I mean there are plenty of good bands but the downside of a big scene is often quite a high number of shit bands which is definitely also the case in Germany. That’s not necessarily the case in the Death Metal scene, though – I think in the recent years the quality surely got better and better with bands refining their sound. But if you take a look at the (relatively big) commercial metal scene with all its trends you are ready to throw up for sure. Also the way this whole big magazine/review circus works is rather pathetic.. ah well, fuck that shit anyway.
F: It is pathetic – that’s quite right. True, there are loads of bands hopping and popping about. The scene is budding in terms of band formations, records ... this, however, is a global phenomenon and not necessarily a characteristic of the German scene ... although one tends to emphasize the idiosyncrasies of what surrounds you. I think culture is demystified to a certain degree ... Christian, you’ll back me up when I say that this is typically postmodern, right, hehehe ... There some cool bands in Germany ... although, usually they seem to excel and be really good once they seek inspiration in the scene abroad. Originality I associate with Norway, Canada, Italy (of course, these are just some examples), technicality I associate with the states (at least originally), authenticity I associate with Finland blabla ...
U: I don’t think any of the above like creativity, individuality, technicality can be attributed to a country in a literal sense, tendencies – yes but coming from one or another country doesn’t automatically result in anything.

New shit has been out for abit now titled Voyage towards Abhorrence. For all of us illiterate dumb fucks who cant read, tell us alittle bit about the lyrical side of this raw slab. What got under your skin?
F: It doesn’t really matter what may or may not serve as inspiration. Anything may be inspiring ... whether it’s a dead hare in the fields, a cool article, annoying low-lives bothering you during the day. I mean, for my part at least, when it comes to lyrics and music I have always done the things I wanted to do. 10 years ago I almost exclusively got inspired by Greek philosophy. These days it is principally like that ... I write about things inspiring. This isn’t philosophy only ... it’s plays, it’s novels, it’s articles merely fulfilling information purposes, it’s loads of nonsense, it’s music (just listen to Shostakovich) ...
U: More than agreed. On top of that, I rarely work conciously on lyrics... somehow, they find me after some time, myself being the mere meduium to utter them.

How many total releases have I.O. unleashed onto the free world and where can they pick em up?
F: As of now we have released five CDs ... geee, you don’t want to listen to them! If you want to order one of our releases preceding Voyage (...), get in touch with us personally...

Alright I was snooping around on yer website and see that you guys have a new drummer. Correct me if I am wrong I havent spoke, wrote or read a lick of German since I was like fucking 11 years of age so its pretty rusty. no Uli not German..stay focused, we are going to get through this brother!!! Who is the new Drummer??? Didnt he used to be in Foeticide???
F: Ingo is one of the finest musicians I have worked with so far. Also, he is really easy-going and relaxed. It is like when we started off playing our first songs ... wicked! He the main song writer in Fetocide and a skilled guitarist, too ... check out their website!

Uli hasnt infected his mind has he???
U: Would it make a difference?

Fuck Christian, you probably showed Uli how do to all that stuff. Didnt you!??
U: Hey, credit where credit is due but now you are giving him too much of it, hehe.

Alright lets get to the nitty gritty of what we do in a band. Touring. Got any gigs lined up? If so where can we go look em up at?
U: Well... due to the fact that the members of IO live relatively spread all over the country gigs have to be planned carefully in advance... hell, even rehearsals need ample preparation. As a conseqeunce, we don’t play live that often – unfortunately. Our website could need an overhaul but as our webmaster is trather busy as of lately we use the very trendy platform called myspace to keep things up to date for the time being.

Ok here is the ageless question that plagues so many of us in this business.....Why Death Metal? Why this form of art and music? What drove I.O. to choose this medium as oppose to any other?
F: This may sound disloyal, but as far as I am concerned, it could be a different scene ... there are so many genres out there. However, Death Metal is dear to me and I love this feeling of liberation, lack of boundaries and constraints ... but this is something Frank Zappa once stated as well. He also stated that scenes are stupid because they generate followers ... and this is really what every decent Metalhead claims no to be! A follower ... something I certainly take into consideration!
U: I haven’t been part of IO when it took form but on a general note my “motivation” for Death Metal stems from a similar root – basically, everything is possible in Death Metal, it is the denial of everything fixed, standardized etc... in music.

Speaking of shows...besides WERMELSKIRCHEN (WE ARE THE FIST FUCK FAMILY!!!!!) , here is you chance to tell other bands where some bad ass places to play are in Germany.
Leer (East Frisia)!!!

One more question about shows. What was the best show you guys played and why?
F: My best show was performed in Belgium ... together with my Demonizer pals!!!
U: Hm, Wermelskirchen was a hell lot of fun for sure, maybe the gig in Northeim.

Hey Sascha, get over here! You are nowhere in this interview, I gotta something I want to talk to you about!
F: He’s probably sorting out some chimneys ... or fighting with hornets!


I was visiting Konni's (DESPONDENCY/GERMANY) myspace page. There is a picture of you and him on his pic's. What the fuck were you guys doing??? He was either trying to put on corpse paint or you blew too big of a load??? What in the world were you guys doing? I have to bring it up, because Konni looks funny as shit( laughing my ass off)!
U: Both have a dark past but I don’t think I am authorized to shed some light on that matter. I am sorry but I have to announce that Sascha has left the building already!

Ok now we got that out of the way. Besides your badass band, who are some other bad asses or upstarts we need to listen to. In your opinion. They dont have to be from Germany, just any band you feel needs some discovery and recognition.
Example, there is a bad ass band (I think there bad asss) called Ingurgitating Oblivion!!!! They are very gay, but very brutal! ;)
F: Germany? Fetocide! Island!
U: Invocation from Saxonia shred! Total early Morbid Angel worship but they don’t sound like all the Polish bands. Some stuff that has been spinning here are Lie In Ruins (Finland), Eroded (Italy), Tzun Tzu (Australia), Damaar (Lebanon/Australia) and Diskord (Norway). I guess the upcoming Dead Congregation full length will kill!

Unmatched Brutality Records has put out Voyage Toward Abhorrence. How did you hook up with them and how has it been so far for Ingurgitating Oblivion?
F: I just got in touch with them as I got in touch with many other labels as well. We sent them the demo recordings some time ago and they offered us the contract ... the usual procedure, really. They are cool and supportive!

When are you guys going to Cum On America????
F: I am afraid that will never happen ... although I would go for it if we got the support!
U: As Florian said... more than improbable if we don’t get the support needed.

Well fellas, I have run out of retarded questions, damn good talking to you guys after so long. I will definatley keep in touch and hope you guys will do the same. So in the Immortal words of Twan...LAST RITES???
F: Cheers for the support, man ... and send my regards to Twan! I am gonna set out to hyperborean shores now, I suppose ... something needs to be done!

Guys take care of yourselves and I look forward to the day that we can share a stage keep lube on that man. I dont want you catching fire.
Thanks a lot for the interview, hope you like it, even though it took us months to come up with some moronic answers. Your fixation on central European male genitalia, however, is slightly unsettling, if I may say that... haha – keep it sick and all the best!

Cheers from Texas!!!!
U: In case anybody is interested in some IO items: We still have copies of “Voyage” as well as some copies of the “Reincremation” cdr, featuring tracks from Impureza, Arsonist, Sudden Death and also three tracks off our promo including one unreleased oldie. We also have a very limited run of shirts – white logo in front for 10 Euros (plus postage) in sizes M – XL. Only 20 were made so grab one if you think you need one.
Just contact us via myspace, we will put some pics there soon.
Horns Up and thanks for the support!
Interviewer: Rick
Feb 14, 2008

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