Kataplexia has the natural brutality in their veins and soul

intie with Rodrigo on 10-06-2005
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
First of all thanks for the interview and the support!
I am Rodrigo Fatality- drummer and singer of KATAPLEXIA. I am a pure brutal death metal lover and I enjoy to make this kind of extreme style for all those people who love extremity a lot, in sickness and brutality.
A guy from El Salvador relocated in Finland and musicians from Brazil. Can it get crazier?
Ha-ha! Yes, it can get crazier soon!
In next album Kataplexia will get changes in the line-up. So stay tuned for crazier brutality and bestiality. Don’t forget to check out our news in www.kataplexia.com
I think you get this question a lot? What is the most stupid question ever asked?
Ha-ha! Ok, this is difficult question, let me see...
- Is El Salvador located in USA???
I have seen in many reviews from some metal magazines writing something like this: Rodrigo Fatality from Brazil located in Finland.
Why did you choose brutal death metal? What does this type of music do for you? Is playing music release of aggression/stress or expressing creativity?
I think that brutal death metal means brutality, violence, aggression and velocity. So that’s what Latin people have enough!! As you already know our countries are suffering about all this kind of shit. So I could say that we have the natural brutality in our veins and souls. We grow up seeing the destruction, the natural catastrophes, the war and where the criminality belong to corruption.
So shortly, that’s what Kataplexia express in music. And maybe that’s the reason why brutal death metal fits perfectly for us.
In many cases Brutal death means creativity, virtuosity and velocity; but I guess Kataplexia doesn’t have these 3 facts in brutal death, just pure brutality, bestiality and sickness!!
Is music your only passion? What more has your attention?
Girls! Girls! Girls!! .... ha-ha ha-ha!!
Ok, seriously. Music is the main passion in my life, but of course I got different passions and hobbies, for example: Graphic designs and multimedia stuff, video cameras, digi-cameras and shit like that.
Ever thought of starting a metal karaoke bar in Tokyo?
Honestly, no!
I have not even thought about that, but actually it would be great idea!!
It would be nice if every country have a metal karaoke in their town!
In which country did you play already? Are there places you would like to play? Why?
Kataplexia is still a pretty small and new band, so we haven’t been in several shows or decreasing tours. But I could mention these countries:
Sweden, Finland, Germany.
But if we are talking about me, I have played with several bands at different countries in my carrier as a musician (Can we call brutal death metal a carrier? he he!) for example:
El Salvador, Mexico, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belgium.
I would like to play in Holland, USA, Japan and more countries in South America.
Because there are big brutal-death metal scenes and for us it’s nice to see when people enjoy our music, get crazy and make a big mosh!!
And of course I would like to play again in El Salvador and all countries I have been before.
Being on tour is an assault on your health. What do you do to stay in shape?
Hmm! hard to say, coz everybody has a different metabolism, but in my case I actually don’t drink alcohol anymore so I guess that’s one way to keep in good condition, but the most important shit is: the musician should rest enough between the shows and keep the same enthusiasm and attitude.
Do you find a beer belly woman attractive? If not, what else?
Ha-ha! Honestly no!
I think that I prefer stripper-girl’s bellies with small tattoos or piercing, ha-ha!
Do you know a nice question?
Sincerely no, first thing coming to my mind is:
-Do you wanna fuck?? Ha-ha ha-ha!!
But actually I remember a good question made by some metal ‘Zine:
-Nowadays many brutal death bands have into their Line-ups Latin-Americans, What do you think is the main reason of this curious factor?
(I think you got my answer too in previous questions)
Did you ever think people would like your music? Even buying it? What did you do after your first sold album?
Actually no, I was not expecting anything…
I made the project Kataplexia coz I wanted to play more than I practiced with my ex-band DEEPRED, but after the first release I decided to make a band and try to do more serious brutality.
Still I think my band is not so special or technical, but still brutal!
I just do this coz I love this extreme death metal genre, I never really think about if this is good for people or not.
Are you superstitious? Do you have some ritual that might be strange?
Not really, I don’t remember if I have some strange ritual in my mind.
Maybe one thing I don’t like is play as a first band or play after bigger ones.
Should there be religious freedom as religion is the root of all evil on earth?
Hmm, this is one question I won’t answer coz I don’t know much about religious stuff and really is not my business.
Everybody is free to choose whatever they need or want, and if they believe or not in their religion is not affecting me at all, but something is clear… Religion is not for me.
What are the future plans for the band?
For the moment I am decomposing new material for the third album coming probably in the middle of next year, no date confirmed yet.
Also the new line-up will be posted in our website as soon as I choose the best candidates. (all interested people from Europe could get in touch).
After all this bla bla bla!
Hopefully we can make a mini-European tour and a small Mexican-Central American tour next year.
So… Keep it brutal fucking death metal!!!
In what way could you improve the songs? What are your weak spots?
If I could improve the songs, maybe I should cut repeating riffs and play faster and faster + technical riffs but not forgetting Brutality and sickness.
Weak spots? –Solos- heheh!
Last rites?
And a big hello to all the Brutal-death metal lovers!!
Thanks for the support and for being in contact with.
You are the biggest motivation to continue doing this shit!
Keep the underground alive!
Jun 10, 2005
Jun 10, 2005
Next interview:
Katafalk is bringing death on wheels
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