Luna Ad Noctum created by the moon's radiations

interview with Adrian on 01-11-2004
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
AIt was the middle of 1998. Four people, impressed by darkness and Moon wanted to play music together straight from their heart. Adrian Nefarious – bass/voc, Dragor Born In Flames – drums, Tomas Infamous – guitars, Blasphemo Abyssum Invocat – guitars. This is the present line up. We’ve got two official long plays so far: “Dimness’ Profound” released by Pagan Records (Poland) and by Golden Lake Production (Europe) and “Sempiternal Consecration” released by the Metal Mind Production.
Why do you play metal instead of polka?
Have you ever heard Polka ?! It’s our native style of dancing, not music to play.
What is so fascinating about the moon?
Can’t you see ? it’s magic. Its sphere is amazing, this silver planet excites us so much, especially its uncharted dark side like a dark side of human nature yeah ...
Does the word ‘lunatic’ has something to do with the moon?
Of course. It’s a mental illness caused by the Moon’s radiations I suppose.
How much fruit do you consume per day?
It depends on my will. Sometimes a lot but many times nothing at all.
What is your goal with the band? Will it succeed?
To play a lot live, go on tour and record long players as long as we can. I think that every musician dreams about the same.
Who do you count as the pioneers of metal? Think that Elvis had some influence?
We cannot consider Elvis as a influence for metal music. I can surely say that real pioneers are Death, Deicide, and many more involved in metal music of course!
How complex do you wanna make your songs? Important to sell or write a good song?
The main theme is the conception of this whole fuck’n world, Human existence in a daily sorrow. Human dark side of nature and mind , hate, grimness, some erotic influences as well... Fears, dreams, wishes, and personal feelings.
I do not care about its destination. The most important thing is to make a song bringing us pleasure & satisfaction.
What do you think about sellouts? Why?
I don’t mind. It’s also important for bands
Do you take your fans serious when they wear Limp Bizkit shirts?
I haven’t seen them so far so I don’t care.
Do girls lift their shirt during your concerts?
Sometimes they show tits! hehe
What was the most exiting place you had to place your autograph?
Hmm.. I don’t remember, maybe someones butt? I’m not sure right now hehe...
Are you involved with the content of your website? think it is important?
Yes. We need a good promotion. So we believe that a website will attract people find some news about the band.. Websites need to be updated very occasionally to support promotion & keeping in touch with fans...
Do you browse the net yourself? What are your fav sites and why?
My favorites are xxx sites. Lots of naked horny beautiful teens. I use internet only for promotion my band and get information about metal events in Poland and worldwide as well...
How will we communicate in 10 years? Think telepathy will ever come through?
Everything is possible. Look around what’s going on and what’s it going to be! No one knows unfortunately. Maybe in some years we’ll get in touch by telepathy etc.. shit it sucks to be aware that someone will know your dreams and thoughts isn’t it?...hmm.
Having interest in communication back in time with someone who is dead? Who and about what?
Hmm that’s a difficult question... I don’t know... maybe with some great millionaire to convict me how to get lots of money hehe...
Maybe you can say something that will sell the album?
Our second lp “Sempiternal Consecration” is really a great album! I can surely say that everyone must taste it !
Last rites?
Greets to our fans
Stay lunatic forever more !