Severe Torture is not cheating

interview with Patrick on 22-7-2005
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
This is Patrick, the bassplayer for Severe Torture! Is that short enough, haha!
Now signed by Earache. What do you expect from this deal? And what are you hoping for?
Our expectations are high, but reasonable. Earache has the power and the ability to get us some steps up! We needed a label that could give us the support we need to do our thing, also the distribution is way better than we had in the past. We hope that this cooperation will be very fruitful for both us and Earache!
Is a new label an impulse for making THE best record ever?
We were almost finished with writing the songs fro the new album before we started negotiating with Earache. But we felt that we were writing something that deserved to get the release that a new label could give. Earache can give us that and if this release turns out successful, who knows we might actually write our best release ever!
On what points did you grow when writing new songs?
When we started writing new stuff, we were still a 4-piece. We noticed that in order to come up with something different than we did before, we would need an new impulse. Marvin gave that impulse! I f you listen to the new songs, you will hear that we have grown a lot in songwriting. We focused on writing songs and not on being brutal only, that resulted in a brutal (of course) but also mature album. Also we have a lot of leads on the new album which we didn’t have before!
How did the recording go? Involved with production yourself or trust others?
Despite some difficulties the recording went great. We knew what we wanted and that makes things a lot easier. It is always hard to trust someone else with your music, but the cooperation with Hans from Excess Studios went well.
Also used the technical computer possibilities like ProTools? Is it not sounding too clean when using software?
ProTools just helps you safe a lot of time. It is still us playing the music, it’s no cheating! But you will hear that when you’ll listen to the record.
Do you see Severe Torture as a band for making a living or a hobby that went beyond control?
We never expected that we would end up writing a lot of records and do some touring. It started out as a hobby, it still is I guess, but it takes up most of our time. Making a living from Death Metal is very, very hard to do. We all have jobs so we can pay our bills, but we also make sure that we can leave at any time!
Often seeing you at gigs in the audience. How do you enjoy a gig, besides the alcohol consumption? Listen technically to learn something?
We love to visit shows, on average I visit 1 or 2 shows a week. Besides getting shitfaced (that is our hobby next to playing in ST), I love to watch bands do their thing. I am interested in how bands bring their music and show. I try to see what would work for us and what we could do better. But I am not looking at band to learn technical playing, even if we do play some technical stuff, our main focus is writing good riffs whether they are simple or technical!
How does the crowd have to react to get more songs at your show?
Most of the time we are not the headliner, so we just get a 30/45 minutes stage time. Also since Marvin joined the band, we can’t play a lot of songs because we never learned Marvin them, haha. However as soon as the new album comes out we can play more songs and all the audience will have to do is support us! There doesn’t necessarily have to be a moshpit (of course that will help a lot), just supporting us will do the trick!
Was there ever a gig when you doubt to play not and cancel the show?
Not that I remember!
After the release of ’Fall Of The Despised’ you wanna go on tour. Is it easy to go on tour for several weeks?
We wanna tour our asses of! But the hardest part of touring is getting on a tour! We were supposed to tour with Exhumed in September, but that just got cancelled for reasons beyond our control, that really sucks!
You already played in USA. How did the Americans react? Do they like the European bands?
We had a really good response in the US, it is a shame that it takes us so long to get back there! They seem to like European bands, for the same reason we like US bands, they hardly get them over there!
What is the difference between US and Euro death metal for you?
US bands are more fanatic most of the times and they are better performers. Just look at live shows, they always seem to give a great show. European bands are more melodic and more down to earth.
Are the bandmembers busy with sideprojects like they used to do? Ever asked as guest musician?
Seth and I also play in NOX, the continuation of CENTURIAN, we have an new album coming out in October! Marvin also plays session guitar in DEW-SCENTED and he plays in BLO.TORCH. Dennis sometimes sings some tunes with the coverband STORMRIDER.
We do get asked sometimes to do some guest appearances, but we hardly have time for that!
With the Live Aid hype few weeks ago, when do you organize a Death Metal Aid gig? Which bands would you like to have on stage?
I am not really in to that kinda stuff, but I guess if someone from the Death Metal community needs serious help, than a DM Aid would be cool to do. All the major DM bands would have to play there of course, but I guess SUFFOCATION definitely would have to play. They are in my opinion the best DM live act at this time!
Is Severe Torture involved by social humanity benefits at all? Do you support some organizations?
As ST we do not support humanity benefits at all, that is not what we are about! As for individually, I have no idea what the others support.
How can people sponsor the band themselves? What would you accept?
Just visit our shows that’s all we ask!
Last rites?
Keep an eye out on our new record “Fall of the Despised” which will be released in Sept/Oct.
Visit our shows and party hard!!
Jul 22, 2005
Jul 22, 2005
Next interview:
Serpent don't want to play in Bon Jovi
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