Teutonic are true and loyal persons

TEUTONIC has been formed in 1991 as TEUTONIC CRUELTY by Ventor (guitars), Lothar (drums/voc), Holger (bass/voc) and Volker (guitars). In 1994 the band changed their name into TEUTONIC and two members, Holger and Volker, were replaced by Wersi (guitars), Benny (vocals) and Roland (bass). Roland left the band in 1995 and Benny took over the bass. In late 1996 the band broke up due to to internal problems.During that time and even before Wersi, Benny, Roland and later on Ventor were active in another band called Himmelfarth (formed in 1989). Himmelfarth had a cult following amongst the local people! The band split up in ’98 due to the same reasons, after recording a debut CD!
TEUTONIC has been finally reformed in August of 1999 by Wersi (guitars, now vocals as well), Ventor (lead guitar), Stef (bass) and Lothar (drums). After months of searching for a real Metal vocalist Wersi took over the vocals and delivered a real deadly voice! The old songs that have been written during the first period of the band, such as ’Death Machinery’, ’Path of Fear’ or ’Throat Cut’ have been slightly revised and work has began on new tracks, including ’Slaves of Hate’, ’Victory’ and our hymn ’Metal Forever!’.
August 2000 finally saw the band playing their first gig and got the chance to play with American brothers of Slough Feg and UK brothers of Solstice! Two more gigs followed until the end of the year!
In the beginning of 2001 the struggle for a vocalist finally had an end and so Mark Phantom joined on 16th of January as the new vocalist! A true Heavy Metal vocalist that has been in bands since over 10 years!
TEUTONIC finally entered the studio in May/June 2001 in order to record their debut MCD! Featuring 5 of their newest tracks plus intro in almost half an hour of pure Metal power!
In November 2001 longtime guitarrist Wersi decided to put and end to his musical career and left TEUTONIC! Bassist Stef changed to guitar (since he’s been playing guitar previous to TEUTONIC) and they found a new session bassist named Daniel!.
interview with Stef on 22-6-2002
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
Hail, I’m Stef, a true Metal addict and guitarplayer for TEUTONIC... Since November 2001 TEUTONIC consists of Mark Phantom (vocals), Ventor (guitar), Daniel (bass), Lothar (drums) and myself (guitar) of course... Our long time guitarrist Wersi left in November of 2001 and ended his musical career! I changed from bass to guitar (since I’ve been playing guitar previous to Teutonic) and we got a new (session) bassist...
Did you choose the bandname to show your roots?
Hm, sureley it is the perfect name for a German Heavy Metal band, I would say!
Is it important to show your roots? Even in the one Europe age?
Sure! Why should we deny our German Heavy Metal roots?!
What is your message with Teutonic? What does the band stand for?
TEUTONIC stands for 100% pure Heavy Metal and nothing else!!
Do you support other genres in the Metal world?
Sure! Anything truly Metal is supported, may that be Thrash, Death, Doom or old and real Black Metal!
Your style is Heavy Metal. Is it not old fashion to play this? Can you describe the fans of Heavy Metal?
Old fashion? Hm, Heavy Metal is Heavy Metal! It is not fashion to me, it’s a way of living!
Teutonic exists since 1991, so we’ve been doing it for a while now and will continue doing it for quite a while...Describing the fans of Heavy Metal? Everyone should know, I hope! A real Metalhead can easily be noticed wearing leather and denim, Metal shirts and having long hairs...And being a true and loyal person!
Do you think the old HM fans are evolved with the scene and now listen to death metal?
Definitely not!!
What are your favorit HM bands and why?
Ah, too many to mention really! Anything that is real Heavy Metal is great!!!
Is it easy to promote HM today in the scene that is dominated by brutal bands?
Is it dominated by brutal bands? Don’t think so! There’s enough room for any Metal band!! It always depends on the fans, I think!
How many kilo does your metal outfit weight?
Not that much really...We are not covered by speaks and bullet belts all over...
Do you dare dancing to other kind of music?
I only dance if I’m drunk, so you can say I do it pretty often... No, not really! Usually only if a girl is begging... And if I’m drunk, enough...!
Why did you release a MCD and why not a full length?
The MCD includes the newest material we wrote and we just decided to record those tracks for a demo! But we wanted to do a real release so we decided to do a professional MCD! It features 5 tracks plus intro in almost half a hour and comes with professional lay-out!
Is it hard to finance it all by yourself? Does your girly complain about spending more in the band than on her?
Too bad I don’t have a girly, so all Metalchicks are more than invited to get in touch... Yeah, it did cost quite a bit, but it was ok, I don’t complain! Better having something in your hands you can be proud of even in 20 years, instead of having a lousy demo or self-made demo-CD!
Know any dirty joke and can you tell it?
Hm, not really...
Describe your kind of humor? Can you wave it into the bands?
My sense of humour? Hm, funny and black at times and macabre at others...
What kind of sites do you like to visit? What kind of movies do you like?
Metal and porn sites! Is there anything else? I like alot of movies, horror and medieval themes are the best though!
Think the German soccer team will go to the finals?
I hope so, although I don’t care to much about soccer really...
Are you a supporter of something?
I’m a supporter of Real Metal, definitely!
Last rites?
Ok, thanx alot for the interview and support! Anyone interested in our MCD “Teutonic Invasion“ can obtain a copy for only 7$/7¤! We also have black shirts available with the logo on front and HEAVY METAL FOREVER! on the back, only 10$/10¤ (L & XL)! Fur further info check out our homepage www.teutonicmetal.de! We hope to hear from more people supporting Heavy Metal! Stay in touch & METAL FOREVER!
Jun 22, 2002
Jun 22, 2002
Next interview:
Tenebre and used underwear from black-metal chicks
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