The dirty words of Drakma

This Murciana band was formed in May 2000, beginning with only two components David (guitar) and Ruben (drums), making versions of mythical bans. After three months, Jose (voice) and Andrea (bass) joined the band, and it was in that moment when they began to compose their own songs. Four months later Haydeé joined to the group as the female lead voice, but musical differences caused her departure.
Finally, it was Javi the last member in participating in this band as a escort guitarist, contributing more power to their songs.
Nowadays, they practise a “Melodic Death Metal” with Nordic influences. In March 2000, they played live in “La casa azul”, being a successful concert, where most of people were delighted. The 2nd and 3rd April, they recorded their first cd “Promo 2001” in the “Guindilla Records”, which includes two songs and an intro.
interview with Ruben on 11-9-2001
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
We are a group of friends who live in the same city and share linking for the music. Two of us are students and the rest are working. Our ages are between 17 and 19 years old. We love drinking beer and go out every night.
Please explain your bandname? Why this one?
Our bandname is the Greece currency and we chose this one because we liked it.
Are your lyrics in Spanish? Why not in English?
Yes, that’s right, because we were studying the possibility to compose songs in English but in the end we decided to do it in Spanish.
You emphasize on the guitars but why no leads?
Because each one of the two guitars have their own personality and we aren’t trying to do a lead guitar.
And where are the double bass parts?
In fact we like this bass style.
Why did you put only 2 songs on the promo? Do you have more songs?
Because it was the first time that we recorded something on CD and we had just tried to promote the disc.
Did you had some gigs? Who was the crowd reacting?
Yes, we had one in a place named “La Casa Azul” and the crowd reaction was great. Nextly we are going to have two gigs more, one of them this month, 29.
Do you visit shows yourself?
Yes, we do, we are always visiting all shows we can near our area.
What kind of music do listen to yourself? And what do you hate?
We usually listen all kind of death metal. In general we don’t hate any sort of music but if we have to decide one, we surely would choose dance and techno.
How is the scene in your area? Lot of bands/fans?
There are a lot of bands trying open their way themselves, the scene is full of this kind of bands like us. There are also a lot of fans who support us.
What is your goal with Drakma?
We are trying to be a band known in the international scene of the metal.
Tell us something dirty in Spanish?
Hijo de puta
Vete a la mierda
Vete a tomar por el culo
Que te follen
You are all youngster. Any musical past before Drakma?
Yes, we are. Yes one of us, the drums had been playing with a band named “Blasfemia” before Drakma, but he only was a couple of months.
Any side projects? If not, in what kind would you play?
No at the moment, because we don’t have enough time, but we don’t want to play another kind of music.
What is the meaning of your cover? Is it important?
It doesn’t have a special meaning, we chose it because like us.
Are you interested in other cultures? Which ones do you prefer?
Yes, of course we are interested in other cultures above all musicals.
Do you sightseeing when you are in other countries?
We have never been to other countries, but I’d like to do it.
Which country would you like to visit and why?
We’d like to visit the Scandinavian countries because there is where are the roots of the music that we love.
Are you a typical Spanish loverboy?
Yes, I think, at least we are trying it every day.
Your favourite line to turn a girl on?
In fact we use different methods to turn a girl on, but usually they fell in love with us quickly when they see us.
Last rites?
Sorry, we don’t understand this question.