The raging technical brutality of Human Mincer

interview with Miguel, October 2005
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
Hello! I’m Miguel and I play the guitar in Human Mincer (Brutal death from Spain). I started to play the guitar when Human Mincer born (1996) and I like all extreme music!
Any interest in introducing your bandmembers to us?
No problem hehe Carlos is our brutal singer since 1998, we love his brutal voice! Antonio is the bass player since we formed the band as David, he is the drummer and former of the band!
You just have your CD 'Devoured Flesh' out.. (Very brutal, read the review) Tell me something about how you came to this and if your satisfied with it?
We have been too many hours in to rehearsal local working for a diferent sound than Embrionized (our first work). We wanted faster and technical songs and I think we have obtained it! We are very happy with our new cd.
How are the responses on this CD so far? Did you get requests for interviews, gigs or even a tour?
The responses are the best for us! We have received a lot of good reviews and more bands had offered a lot of gigs out and in to Spain, but our works and personals situations don’t allow to make it.
Tell us something about the label you're on? Are you satisfied with their promotion/distribution?
Xtreem Music is the best label of Spain and part of Europe! They make a brutal promotion in zines, radios...and they seek for concerts to us too! We are very proud to be in Xtreem!
You play an extremely brutal form of deathmetal. What¥s your inspiration and how hard is it to be different than all the other bands who do this? Or don't you care?
We like bands like Suffocation (gods), Disgorge (USA), Hate Eternal, Nile, Devourment, Brodequin and a long etc hehe We search for a mixture of brutallity like Disgorge or Brodequin and the rages of Hate Eternal with the tech of Suffocation. We don't want to be different of better than other brutal death bands, we only make the music we want and we like! This is not a war, you know.
Are there many gigs organised in your area or in other parts of Spain? Or are there any places you can go out and party or do you drink at home listening to metal?
There is a lot of concerts of extreme music, bands like Nile, Behemoth, Dying Fetus, Vader and many others visit our country all years, but people prefer to spend the money in alcohol instead of go and support the scene. All the places to go out to get drunk are of heavy metal, trash and hard rock.
What other bands in your area or country are worth to be mentioned in this interview? Tell them to send demo or CD for review to BRUTALISM?
There are a lot of brutal bands in this fucking country... bands like Wormed, Cerebral Effusion, Impure, Kevlar Skin, Vidres a la Sang, Unsane Crisis, Hybrid, The Last Legacy, La Matanza, Avulsed, Carrioned, No Fate, Dyspraxia, Kaothic, Between the Frost, Cihiriaeth, Bloodoline, Godüs and a very large etc hehehe
What's your favourite way to get drunk? Are you all borracio's?
hahaha I don't get drunk since I have my fucking car (two years more or less) but David (the drummer) is a drunk master, he hasn't blood in his veins, he has beer! The rest of the band don't drink a lot.
What kind of music you listen to besides brutal deathmetal? Are you involved in other bands/projects?
I listen many kind of music, I like grind, gore/grind, black and doom too. But I hear heavy metal, thrash and other shit. I am in a project band called Hybrid with members of Wormed, ex-another kind of death and e-virus 69, we make a mixture of Suffocation with Gorguts and polirithmics parts like Meshuggah! David (drumer) is in a band called The Last Legacy and they make black/death like old Emperor, Satyricon, Menhir...
If you would be ask to make a video to hit the charts, how would the video look like?
We would like to make a video in a dark site (like culverts hahaha) and put in with takings of a concert view, you know, something normal.
What's your opinion on the internet? Does it help you to get exposure or do you agree with Metallica that downloading is steeling money from 'rockstars'?
I think that internet is the best form to make a good promotion of a band. You can send a lot of emails with your cds and your concerts and you can make interviews (hehe) for people meets the band... We don't care if people download our cd by Emule or something similar, we only want people enjoy our music, death metal doesn't make us eat!
What's your all time favourite top 5 of metal or rock albums?
Suffocation ’pierced from within’
Suffocation ’effigy of the forgotten’
Pyrexia ’sermon of mockery’
Immolation ’ Close to a world below’
Zyklon-b ’blood must be shed’
Do you have any plans in the future to do a tour? What places would you like to go to, and which band should be headlining?
As we have said you before, we have shit works and we can't make tours and many times we can't play on Saturday night... We hope that the situation changes for the next year! We would go to any place in this world!
Are there any things worth mentioning about your lives besides this band or is this your main occupation. Is (death)metal a way of life?
We would like to live of brutal death, is the thing that we really like to do but is very difficult to live of the music and more difficult in death metal I think. You must to make heavy metal or something commercial for people like, it's a shit
If you would have to choose a new singer for major break through in the charts. Would you choose X-tina or Britney?
ummmm I think that we'll choose twice, naked X-tina and Britney introducing in their cunts the microphones! If we make this show we'll can live of death porn metal! haha
What's your favourte metalzine? What's your favourtie pornzine?
I only read webzines like Bloodcifery, (hehe), Mondongo Cannibale, Pitchline and many others. I haven't favourite pornzine because I like all! (except of gays) haha
Last rites?
Thanks for this brutal interview and sorry for my bad english! Enter in and sign the guestbook! Stay Minced!