Corpsefucking Art - Tomatized

If you have followed this band back a few years, especially all the way back to their split CD with the band Goretrade, you will find that Corpsefucking Art is a band who’s symphonic array of aural decimation is not to be underestimated or taken lightly. These guys have grown since those days, and their release “Tomatized” explores and defines the maturity that this band has grown into. Tightly intertwining the intricacies of brutal death metal and the simplistics of grindcore,, the band has blessed us with a release that allows us to experience the perfect balance of both. Musically, you could compare this release to the likes of Mortician, Terrorizer, Grave, Cannibal Corpse, and Deicide. Blistering, wound gouging riffs dominate each track accompanied by the insatiable pounding of drums which is relentless throughout the duration of this madness. The bass tends to remain in the background which acts like a shroud for the onslaught of insanity, leaving the listener wanting more. Vocally, I would have to say that if you could imagine a raspier, but still guttural, vocal pattern to Massacre’s “From Beyond” release, then you have an idea of the vocals here. Another plus with this CD is the undeniable old school vibe in some of the tracks. So, as the band prepares to take us into the future, they indulge us with a reminiscence of the past. Almost as if they are bringing the genre back to the way it use to be.

Instead of pushing the boundaries, they are fortifying them with some of the deepest and most passionate brutality in the history of brutal death metal. Andrea Corpse and Mario Di Giambatista handle guitar duties and their proficiency is off the charts as they bring a flawless performance to the table. Marco De Ritis is on bass and is a damn fine counterpart to the riffage. Hopefully the band brings his skills to the forefront on future releases. I think his style of playing could be a dominating force in the bands sound and overall presentation if they were to bring his skills to prominence. John De Bello is on drums and bashes the hell out of that kit flawlessly! Insane skills here. A true whirlwind of drumming insanity! Finally, we have Frank Moretti on vocals. I really like his style as he has a lot of power in his delivery. Although there is little variation, his vocal stylings help set the mood of the music overall. Very well done! I highly recommend this album. Contact the band or Comatose Music for more information on adding this CD to your collection

5 / 5 STARS

1. Tomatized
2. Hell Of The Living Dead
3. Blood Kitchen Garden
4. Alien Vs Tomator
5. A Nightmare On Tomato Street
6. The Book Of The Dead
7. Dead Sushi
8. Phantasm
9. Escape From Alpha City