Onslaught Kommand - Malignancy

Onslaught Kommand have rather flown under the radar lately ever since their inception in 2022, but are starting to make some waves between splits, EPs, and finally a full length. Currently signed to Godz ov War Productions, this Chilean Blackened Death Metal band adds in some Grindcore elements for a rather filthy, yet enjoyable record. Following on the Death Metal side of earlier Undeath, the Black Metal side of Darkthrone or Nattefrost, and the Grindcore side of Walking Corpse, fans should expect blistering tracks with a lot of that Heavy Metal/ Thrash Groove bounce to it that despite the rather gritty and cavernous tone is still fun to hear just like on a track like ‘Born to be Deformed.’ Yes the titles are vile and the album art twisted, but there is a lot to garner from this record that any fans of the extreme side of the genre (except maybe Slam) will find to love.

The four piece here from the ashes of the band Weapons Conquest continue their rather militant approach with fast hitting gory tracks like ‘Elite Hunting Gore.’ The Death Metal elements reign supreme in the almost Immolation meets Incantation amped up on speed approach with the echoing growls from SplatterHate, but the other thing that remains ever present on this album is the drums which have that Black Metal pound to them among a mix of tremolo riffs from Cvnthvnt. While the monikers can be a bit silly or cliché, from guitarists Necromancer and Behemot to their drummer, the mysticism aside is no reason to sneer at the tracks. Onslaught Kommand’s formula is rather basic- taking the rather Punk driven Black Metal side of things such as on ‘Becoming a Gut Pile’ versus the hissing raw kvlt side, and mixing things up with the bouncing churn groove of Death Metal while keeping things a respectable Grindcore length as far as track timing. Others like ‘Inside the Mutilator’s Bunker’ stomp along in a more 90s Death Metal fashion with the Doom Death styled vocals which bellow along among the snarls. The production on them is rather raw and hard to understand compared to the guitars and drums which sound a lot cleaner, but it is still enjoyable. The bounce is really heard in the riffs on the Darkthrone side such as on ‘What’s in the Abyss?’ while the solos remain blistering. “Malignancy” doesn’t really hold much room for melody so those who like the more Melodeath or Gothic Black side of things will probably feel it is a bit too abrasive, but the energy from the groove is certainly there.

There isn’t too much variation between the tracks as Onslaught Kommand keep up the fury throughout their debut so like some of the early 2000 Deicide album they might start to lose their luster for the average Metal fan unless one is a diehard of the genre. Still, overall, this raw perverted and gory mess takes the shock value of Cannibal Corpse with the twisted inviting groove of Blackened Punk styles like Khold sped up and top it off with the noise abrasions of more Death Grind acts like even Leng Tche that there is enough here to make listeners still want more. It feels like “Malignancy” could have used a few extra tracks to really round out the album, but at least it doesn’t feel like a 14 minute ride that was way too short or an album that was overinflated. Just the right amount of noise for Extreme Metal fans to enjoy with an old school touch. Onslaught Kommand will probably end up being a driving, crunching force for Godz of War that rival the likes of other up and comers like 200 Stab Wounds.

3.5 / 5 STARS

1. Elite Hunting Gore
2. Pissrot Humiliation
3. Third World Stoning
4. Becoming A Gut Pile
5. Born To Be Deformed
6. Satanic Storming
7. Backyard Of Corpses
8. Pervert Goat Kommand
9. Morbid Warfare
10. Inside The Mutilator’s Bunker
11. What’s In The Abyss?
12. Carbonized At The Lynching Tree
13. One Trench- Several Dead Bodies
14. Axis Of Unholy Power