A Scar For The Wicked – The Necrobutcher

Coming in to this review, I had heard quite a bit of positivity regarding this release and the band in general, my hopes were up high when I first listened to this 5 track EP and I wasn’t let down in the slightest. A Scar For The Wicked play deathcore with other influences packed together including themes of melodic death metal and straight up death metal. Never does the release rely on just one typical theme to carry on a song, for instance, the title track 'The Necrobutcher' starts off fast paced and completely in your face, however by the end of the song we have melodic guitar solos and riffs prevalent and bouncing off each other incredibly well. The EP as a whole is very diverse and brings some fresh ideas to the table that we really don’t see in these more modern death metal, deathcore acts etc, and I have a lot of praise for them to bring out these new ideas to kick-start this sub-genre of heavy music.

The band’s vocals work a bit like Despised Icon where verses and choruses are shared by two individual vocalists where one person is doing screams, one is doing growls etc. They complement each other very well through the release and it never feels that one person is outdoing the other and is always a team effort to create the maximum brutality. The instrumentation is very professional and I heard riffs here and there that could’ve easily been put in to a "Black Dahlia Murder" release! Guitars are wonderful in throwing us in to powerful grooves and melodic riffage while the bass contemplates the guitar work and the drums provide a stellar performance of accenting the guitar work and keeping the brutality imminent.

I enjoyed this EP immensely and praise the song writing abilities and originality that the band has come up with on this release. In terms of top EPs of the year, this one is a definite contender for the number one in my spot!

  1. Silence Vile Temptress
  2. Within The Rot
  3. Surrounded By Giants
  4. The Necrobutcher
  5. The Blood Ritual

Reviewer: Samuel Worsfold
Dec 7, 2014
Next review: Mass Idolatry - Impure

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