Ancient Wrath - Darkness Upon The Face Of The Depth
This album kicks off with a most creepy start and coninues to expose the sweet sounds of Hell throughout it's 8 tracks. Ancient Wrath hails from the darkened abyss of Austria and is a multi -talented one man project named Aratron and "Darkness Upon The Face Of The Depth" is a creation of total old school black metal sound. With noone to share his vision of darkness Aratron managed to create 2 still unreleased demos while serving a prison sentence and now nolonger under lock and key the completion of "Darkness Upon The Face Of The Depth" is his first full length album release. Influeced strongly by the cold of night, the forces of nature and all the pain and suffering throughout the ages this one man project titled Ancient Wrath has managed to compile these muses and express them in an emotional catastrophe. I love the feel of this album, it has a sort of ancient sound to it bringing the mind into a dark misty journey through forests of old. Really good sound production here with still a slight raw edge to it which I love.
No overkill with blast beats but keeps to a nice fast tempo with strong riffs, chilling keyboards and demonic vocals make "Darkness Upon The Face Of The Depth" a CD worth getting one's hands onto. Nothing weak about this album and for me it is hard to pinpoint a favorite track, they all flow with perfection. Ancient Wrath and this CD "Darkenss Upon The Face Of The Depth" gets nothing less than a +5/5 in my black book.
Black Plague Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 25, 2009
Jun 25, 2009
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Amphitryon - Drama (DVD)
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