At The Gates – Slaughter Of The Soul
I got the extended edition of this release and maybe that was a mistake by me. The original tracks from this album were the best. The music, the riffs, the leads, the tempo changes, everything flowed on “Slaughter of the Soul”. The vocals fit the music really well. Everything on here is a plus and to give it a negative rating is just absurd. Melodic death properly played!
It’s an album that you can never seem to get sick of. The music is the most captivating. It has many tempo changes, clean guitar parts, and the leads are good. The guitars I favored the most because they were totally original sounding and it gives me a reason to highly esteem this album. At The Gates flowing with original riffs and just an album to fall in love with.
If you’re a melodic death freak like me, you’ll really appreciate this album. It’s something to own for just people who enjoy hearing an original sounding escapade of good metal. The production was solid which made all the difference. Do yourself a favor and don’t leave this album out of your metal album classics. Own it today!