Atretic Intestine - Human Ravagery
Atretic Intestine is about as brutal as a Death Metal band can get. 'Human Ravagery' is the second EP from these Finnish headbangers and it brings the pain of grim lyrics of death, gore, and churning rhythms that will appeal to fans of the likes of Cannibal Corpse, Mortician, or even very early All Shall Perish. The opening of "Enforcement Of Natural Selection" is nothing but guttural growls before the music comes in at a fast, rapid pace. This is by far the fastest track on the album as the rest are more mid paced chuggers that might appeal to those of the Death n' Roll genre. "Rectal Destruction" has an excellent opening drum moment mixed with the bass before the guitars just chug along with the vocal (sadly, less audible when they aren't performing alone), and the overall tone is more along the lines of a band like Six Feet Under. Other tracks like "Female Degredation" barely have any audible vocal features, although the effect through them is pretty impressive, like gurgling underwater similar to what Morbid Angel accomplished on their 'Domination' album. When the vocals are louder, and in sync with the melodies of the guitars, they can switch to these high pig squeals that sound just as ugly and twisted, but balance out the monotony of just hearing the growls. The biggest surprise on the album would be the piano instrumental of "Diary In Flesh." It is one of those moments placed in the middle of the album that just seems random, and should have been put as an intro or outro, but it serves as a breather for those who feel the music is a bit too smothering. Overall, this EP is another step up from the last, and chock full of some excellent Death Metal that is both groovy but also well structured without feeling too repetitive.