Bog Wraith - Viscera

Formed only in July this year I am surprised yet somewhat impressed that Bog Wraith were capable of releasing their debut EP titled 'Viscera'. The Michigan quintet's aim is to combine several genres of the more extreme elements of modern metal such as brutal slamming death metal, and black metal. The outcome is quite pleasing for a big modern metal fan like myself, as the EP delivers from start to finish.

Haunting intros creep up to almost each track, which helps elevate the black metal atmosphere that Bog Wraith desire to create, and whilst this isn't something new to the genre, it is done so well that it may come across as an almost new breed of bands, and let's face it something has to top the down-tempo deathcore craze that's been buzzing these past two years.

With the band's gnarly artwork comes great production despite the band's four month life; Clearly hard at work and determined to push themselves, this is what the metal community thrives on. The instrumental side to the band is not technical at all, but driven by catchy thick and sludgy riffs that aren't difficult to follow. They are backed with the black metal backbone structure that Bog Wraith have nailed here, ultimately molding the EP's character.

Alex DeRose's vocals are as inhuman as they come, at times taking inspiration from Travis Ryan of Cattle Decapitation, whilst also sounding like a more death metal style, and slightly more serious and grizzly version of Scorpion from Nekrogoblikon. Fused with the ghastly overtone throughout the EP combines to a successful release of a band that will soon become much more well known than they currently are.

  1. Feverish Haze (Intro)
  2. Dreameater
  3. Vials Of Wrath
  4. Visceral Rage
  5. Haunted


Self released
Reviewer: twansibon
Nov 28, 2016

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