Bride Of The Monster - A Slaughter Of Biblical Proportions

Bride Of The Monster certainly lives up to its name with its marriage of death metal and grindcore. The birth of their debut is certainly a monster... a misunderstood monster at that. It's literally aggressive, sheer sonic hell to the ear that these Canadians crank out, leaving only the opening track- the title track- a moment of respite before being sucked into the loud and proud music that is Bride. And then again... at the same time... fans might want to get the hell away from it just as much. Partially because its grindcore... and unless grindcore is tastefully done like Napalm Death or Leng T'che, it ends up being just senseless noise. And Bride have a bit of trouble with that.

Lots of the tracks are best appreciated for their technical music sound. "Float" is an excellent example of how Bride use grim, thick bass and rhythmic drums amongst the scorching guitars to deliver a crushing assault that is a more complex than the other tracks and doesn't sound like the album was recorded in a garage with the washing machine going on at the time. "Hollow Cost" is the opposite of this- all chaos and little cohesion- especially when it comes to the vocals. They range from a deep, unearthly growl to more of squealing of a pig. The growls are OK but the squealing can be a bit hard to bear. The last time a band tried something like this was All Shall Perish on their second album, and it just didn't do much good. Their current vocal style is much better...

For those who enjoy the grindcore style and thing all out rage and aggression in music is a great thing, then fans will love this album. For those who want something a bit more complex and involve more audible vocals may want to look elsewhere. The whole 'blasphemy' and 'death' themes behind the music is fun at first, but can eventually become laughable halfway through the album since it so jumbled together. Perhaps this lack of cohesion is what makes Brides so enigmatic, but for most seasoned metal listeners, it will take a bit more to make these guys earn their respect and appreciation. They've got all the pieces there; they just have to be put together.

  1. A Slaughter Of Biblical Proportions
  2. Eternal Swine
  3. Hollow Cost
  4. Frozen
  5. Blood Of The Mortal
  6. Tripe
  7. Malice
  8. Float
  9. Plague

Reviewer: Colin McNamara
Oct 30, 2010

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