Bride Of The Monster - Plague Of Ages

The sound of this band, Bride Of The Monster, is truly a diabolical concoction, successfully blending elements of grind, thrash and stoner death. They call themselves "death and roll." Didn't Pantera refer to themselves that way? Maybe it was Suffocation or somebody like that. I don't know but it's good company all the same, and on "Plague Of Ages," BOM are truly worthy of such comparisons. Killer riffs, blazing leads, relentless pummeling, all manner of growlin' and a howlin' comin' on fast like a steamroller of death. Hard to pick out a favorite of the six tracks, each one rock solid granite, and the same is true concerning each instrumentalist - nary a weak link in this chain of death.

The band list such diverse inspirations as Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Deicide and Corrosion Of Conformity and you can really hear the influences. Once again, these flattering comparisons are no joke. BOM have shared the stage with Deicide and Artheretic in the past and on the same day "Homage To Satan" came out, 6-6-06, Bride of the Monster released "Plague Of Ages." This E.P. is featured on and the band is currently working hard on a new full-length, which will no doubt be greeted with moist anticipation in the metal community.

Complete release can be downloaded from the Gomek Records site. These downloads include MP3 and art.

1. Intro
2. Malleus Maleficarum
3. Float
4. Plague Of Ages
5. Absence Of Sound Mind
6. Chappedlipswettitslooseclitsorass
Gomek Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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