Chton - Chtonian Lifecode

Debut album of this Norwegian death metal band. Thier style of death metal
is blended with dark and black metal shrapnels. Hard hitting, technical and melodylines. Tempo range from mid to fast and in the songs there are also breaks. Brutal vocals (remind me of Vader), guitarriffing that go up and down and the drums are just knocking everything together. Nice CD to play on these dark winter nights with black candles.


1. Invitation To Hell
2. Enemie
3. Book of Black Earth
4. Flies to Faeces
5. Chtonian Lifecode
6. Unholy Communion
7. The Horror the Horror
8. Crawling Chaos
9. Hammered (Down)
Retribute Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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