Cryfemal - Increibles Tormentos

The best aspects of this CD is immediatly thrust upon you. A sickeningly wreched blend of pulsing drums and cold fast guitars that make heavy use of full minor chords adding great texture to the overall grinding feel. Although I do find myself questioning whever or not the drums are natural not that it maters to me how they came to be but I do prefer when its made clear if they are. One things is clear in that the vocalist would have little use for any addition amplication doing this in a live situation.


1. Delirio Funerario
2. Orgasmos de Molestacion
3. Pudricion de Enemigos
4. Horrible  Violenta Demolicion
5. Negro Metal
6. Viaje a las Estrellas
7. El Camino
8. Alucinacion


Bloodred Horizons Records
Reviewer: Skaven
Oct 16, 2009

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