Deathred - Senses Paramount Flowing Into Darkness
New fans may get a bit tired of the repetitive nature of all the songs- they are all after all meant to blend together and with just one guitar and drums there is only so much that can be done. But, Deathred tries hard to not make the mistakes that were made on the debut album which was just guitar and nothing else playing the same riffs over and over. Lately more and more drum work has been added in, and on the track "Here's Warning..." San Martin shows off some of his better moments. True, if one were to add up all of Alfredo San Martin's albums and play them from start to finish it would seem like a giant oddessy, but the subtle differences can be heard from album to album. In order to be more effective though, Deathred should perhaps make these differences between tracks and influences more and more apparent. More rhythm changes in between, speeding up sections and slowing down, even tossing in some ambient moments would really help make the solo efforts such as this one much more diverse and groundbreaking rather than just hearing the guitar be the focus the entire time with a smattering here and there of drums.
Mar 29, 2013
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