Deathwitch - Violence Blasphemy Sodomy

Deathwitch has set a nice promo campagne around their new disc. Under the banner of Fuck You, we don't give a fuck they make clear that they are back with a slaughter. Telling that it is going back to the roots of death metal. No fingerbreaking riffs or 80 piece kit drumset but just plain, tight, fast and blasting death metal songs. Mention all the metaphores you know for this kind of death but I think they don't care maybe they don't even care if I do the review, haha. And if I have to say something I would prob tell that the album rocks, simply doing the job our neck deserves!

1. Introt
2. Flamethrower
3. Total morbid
4. Blood sucking fuck
5. Abhorrent sadistic tormentor
6. Lord of ymodos
7. Witch of death
8. Necrosodomizer
9. Bitchfinder
10. Violence blasphemy
11. Coffin fornicator
12. Worthless scum
13. Fuck off and die
14. Death mania
Wicked World
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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