Devangelic - Resurrection Denied

New on the Comatose label is Devangelic’s “Resurrection Denied”. This is a band that is extremely sickening and blasphemous in every sense of the word. You can definitely tell there is some talent here and these songs are nice and produced in such a thick manner that you can just feel these tunes ripping at your chest and tearing at your skull in an attempt to infect your brain with the savagery that this album has the potential to inflict. This is just from a musical standpoint. Now, sadly I must say there were a few things that annoyed the hell out of me with this release. I am fairly easy to please when it comes to this type of death metal, but several aspects of this cd were just downright disappointing.

As I mentioned before, from a music standpoint this album is absolutely awesome and crushing even though it lacks in originality. However, with influences ranging from Origin, mixtures of newer and older Incantation, Judecca (for those of you who remember this cult classic band), Butchered at Birth era Cannibal Corpse, and Gutted, the guys in Devangelic definitely do these influences justice. Riff wise you can pretty much take all of the bands I mentioned and play those glorious death metal riffs with a grindcore/goregrind type edge. That is probably the only original idea as far as the riffs go and with that being said, the band do have that technical ability that is at or above anyone else playing this type of music. I do like the production on this album, especially on the drums even though the triggering is evident in certain parts. One of the things that annoyed my about this cd is the vocals. Don’t get me wrong, they are extremely brutal and would please most any fan of this genre, but even with the lyrics printed in the booklet you still can’t follow along.

As I have mentioned a time or 2 before, what is the sense in printing the lyrics, if you know damn good and well your vocals are going to be so garbled and unintelligible that no one can follow along? This is pointless and ridiculous. If I have a message I want to get across, even if it is based solely on shock value, I am going to want to make sure that everyone can understand what I am trying to say. Now the lyrics seem to be well written given the subject matter given here, except for the last song entitled “Devouring the Consecrated”, in which there are certain lines that are just a blatant rip-off of deicide lyrics. Not sure if it was intentional or not, but nonetheless this last song almost ruined the whole cd for me based solely on that fact. I don’t care for the subject matter either way, but bands need to have enough respect for other artists in the genre and not rip their lyrics off. It would have been different if, at least, inspirational credit was given but there wasn’t even that!

I am not going to trash this band because they did try and put forth a half-decent effort here and any band that at least tries, but more importantly does what they love, definitely deserves everyone’s respect no matter how bad the cd is or if we like it or not. I am holding out hope that the bands next release will have a lot more put into it than this one does. Like I said, it’s not totally horrible, there are just a few annoyances with this album that just rub me the wrong way. I can at least enjoy this cd from a musical standpoint and that’s about it. But, even that is a hell of a lot more than a lot of bands playing this type of music do.

Come on guys! I can hear and more importantly feel the potential talent within your band. This album wasn’t a total loss, but you guys can most certainly do better than this! The power and the intensity is there. If you all could just channel that and include ideas of your own rather than resting on laurels that so many bands in this genre do, you guys would be a force to be reckoned with. You have all of the tools you need to create a masterpiece of absolutely crushing death metal, and if you guys put a little more thought and ingenuity into your next release everyone will sit up and take notice.

  1. Eucharistic Savagery
  2. Crown Of Entrails
  3. Disfigured Embodiment
  4. Unfathomed Evisceration
  5. Entombment Of Mutilated Angels
  6. Perished Through Atonement
  7. Desecrate The Crucifix
  8. Apostolic Dismembering
  9. Devouring The Consecrated