Devariem – Planet Earth: Ground Zero

"Planet Earth: Ground Zero", released in the autumn of 2012, skates over the characteristics of ‘one and done’ artists that record subpar music. This album is angry and in your face like the person at the bar whose drink you just knocked over.

Usually, it is a grave sign when the title track is the first track on any album. Typically, it is cheesy and means the rest of the album descends in quality.

The great thing about this album is that it is heavy, angry (as previously stated) and catchy. The bad thing about this album is that each song is almost like all the other songs. There is a great double bass bridge in 'Caskateer' and then more growling screams and yet another double bass bridge.

'Torture Till It’s True' is an awesome title. There are many changes in this song along with killer riffs. There is a sort of odd scream about three minutes into the song, which is uncomfortable at first, but after a couple listens, seems to fit.

'…Our Killer Reputation' is just awesome. A heavy, fast last track that really blows you away from beginning to end. At first, I thought it was an instrumental because of the early guitar solo, but it isn’t and just smashed me in the face with all the anger.

In summary, "Planet Earth: Ground Zero" is just a brutal album filled with all the things that metalhead’s love. It has hooks at many turns that will get you doing air guitar in the car, house or wherever.

  1. Planet Earth: Ground Zero
  2. Steamhammerhead
  3. Caskateer
  4. Torture Till It’s True
  5. Infyrno
  6. Point Of No Return
  7. Sons Of Deth
  8. …Our Killer Reputation