Dodkvlt/Goats Of Doom - Deathcult Ov Doomgoat
Aside from releasing his second full length album, Dodkvlt seems to have been prolific at trying to get other bands noticed as well. Sharing a split album with the relatively lesser known Goats Of Doom- also from Finland- Dodkvlt releases a sort of mini album story split into the first three tracks, while Goats Of Doom has the other four. For those who know of Dodkvlt, the band's music is a blend of atmospheric black metal. Here though, between three epic tracks, it seems Dodkvlt is aiming more for a direct approach, as the track "Prophecy" features almost no symphonic elements like preivous work and is just full of harsh, yet rock oriented riffs. However, the second part "Dusk" fall back to a more original Dodkvlt sound with the piano interludes and softer second half of the music that is much more atmospheric and enjoyable. The third part is more like the first one, but more melody is layered in the guitars so it is more of a bridge to gap the two tracks. Overall though the innovation behind this short three track epic that is almost a half hour long in length hasn't been seen since the likes of Deathspell Omega's 'Kenose.'
The other half of the album belongs to Goats Of Doom. They have a bit more rawer sound than Dodkvlt, but share his passion for atmosphere. Whereas Dodkvlt is more symphonic atmosphere, Goats Of Doom show that they are almost more middle eastern toned with the opening track "Vihani Saatanan Mahdilla Roihuaa." It is very rare that one finds a band like this when compared to groups like Nile or Al-Namrood. The music can be insanely chaotic and cult at one point and then just drift into this mesmerizing tone complete with even chanting vocals in the background. "Julistus" does a great job at merging the heavier tremolo picking elements with the middle eastern tones in the background so there is a nice balance. "Riivaaja" has a great moment when after what sounds like sheer hell, everything quiets down so it is just the synth and the vocals take on a dark, spoken word tone which is perfect for the atmosphere and then slowly picks up again, this time with a bit of Dimmu Borgir keyboard as well. Overall, Goats Of Doom did well to partner with Dodkvlt for a similar take on black metal and prove they have a just-as-interesting potential to make debut albums sound good. Their full length debut should be an excellent cultured piece providing they stay with this musical direction.
The other half of the album belongs to Goats Of Doom. They have a bit more rawer sound than Dodkvlt, but share his passion for atmosphere. Whereas Dodkvlt is more symphonic atmosphere, Goats Of Doom show that they are almost more middle eastern toned with the opening track "Vihani Saatanan Mahdilla Roihuaa." It is very rare that one finds a band like this when compared to groups like Nile or Al-Namrood. The music can be insanely chaotic and cult at one point and then just drift into this mesmerizing tone complete with even chanting vocals in the background. "Julistus" does a great job at merging the heavier tremolo picking elements with the middle eastern tones in the background so there is a nice balance. "Riivaaja" has a great moment when after what sounds like sheer hell, everything quiets down so it is just the synth and the vocals take on a dark, spoken word tone which is perfect for the atmosphere and then slowly picks up again, this time with a bit of Dimmu Borgir keyboard as well. Overall, Goats Of Doom did well to partner with Dodkvlt for a similar take on black metal and prove they have a just-as-interesting potential to make debut albums sound good. Their full length debut should be an excellent cultured piece providing they stay with this musical direction.