Gorch Fock - Gorch Fock

Seven people in a band and two of them play drums and the vocalist also plays the trombone! Didn't know what to expect and still don't know what I have heard. What kind of music is this? Ain't metal but rather some rock n roll noise. Songs with some intermezzos that have heavy guitarriffing, trombone and visual effects. Although you can only see those visuals during a gig, and think they make more impact on stage. This album is weird for me and just sounds as an heavy rock n roll noise assault.

1. First we must meet the elders
2. Slade schrump
3. Judg of implosion
4. Monsantra
5. Shirts vs. skins
6. Charles Lynch
7. A or na
8. Theme song: showdown @ the reller rink
9. Garbage lake superior
10. Levon helm
11. Suicide and/or packed with satan
Perverted Son Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009
Next review: Gorath - Elite

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