Heruka - Leggenda

Heruka hail from ancient medieval Italy and have been wandering in the forests since 2000. This demo contains 6 songs of extreme fantasy blackmetal. Empowered by drumcomputer and thrashing and melodic guitarriffs the keyboards are most present and create dark atmosphere and bombastic at times. Songs have different tempos and quite some variation with aggressive screaming vocals and some different atmospherical and dark vocals.... For dedicated fans of the extremely obscure and epical blackmetal.

1. Heruka : L'incontro
2. Adhes : L'uccisione Di Auxim
3. Zeima Ed Eracli - Il Reame Di Ilmar
4. Monrgh: Le Due Spade
5. Takar: L'Enigma
6. Eruka: Il Ritorno

Self released
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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