Holocausto Canibal - Gorefilia
Brutal gore themed extreme Death Metal is all I really need to say as a description for Holocausto Canibal. If an insanely graphic horror movie needed some music to match the violent cinematic concept then I would recommend using Holocausto Canibal’s Gorefilia. At first glance of the track names and the grotesque album cover of a dead naked women holding a baby, I thought I was going to be listening to Portugal's version of Cannibal Corpse. The first track Cortex to my surprise was a well crafted dark instrumental that has a great heavy guitar riff. Soon I started to realize when the first track started blazing away that this band is more than just extreme gore themed death metal, but they also have a classic grindcore style that remains constant through the whole album. Most of the songs average about two minutes with two songs that are less than a minute long, but still extreme as hell. The drumming is filled with the usual grindcore death metal blast beat rhythms that seem to never change and provide structure to the songs. The guitar playing is intense and the low distortion tone adds to the heavy sound on each song. On the song Colapso Clismafílico I find the guitar solo to be quit impressive and it reminds me of the harmonic solos done by Kerry King of Slayer. On the whole album I don’t think there is one bad riff, except most of the riffs start to sound similar by song ten.
To make the songs sound like a gore themed horror movie the band uses vey unique audio clips. Some of the sounds range from a surgical room in a hospital to blood gargling demonic speech. The shorter songs are probably the songs that I enjoy most, especially the twelve-second Mutilada Em 10s. The song is like a bomb exploding with an insanely quick rhythm followed by quick death metal vocals. Just as the song’s brutal fast paced sound hits you the next song begins with a thunderous roar. There are no slow songs on this album and if you are looking for melodic vocals then keep looking. Following the classic grindcore and gore themed death metal vocals the songs are heavy, but at times I don’t know what he is saying and it may have to do with the fact he is speaking Portuguese. I have a hard enough time trying to understand english death metal vocals, but when the singer is growling in his native tongue forget it. With some of the song titles I was using translation websites to figure out what certain songs were called like Trucidada Na Paragon which translates to “It Slaughtered in the Stop.”
Now I enjoy the extreme head banging brutal death metal grindcore, but eighteen tracks of the same style starts to get redundant. I respect Holocausto Canibal for staying true to their sound and not conforming to appease the masses, but they are a band where after hearing three songs I loose interest since there is a lack of dynamic creativity. The members in this band are excellent musicians and masters of their morbid craft. Vocally I hear common extreme low death metal growls that is personally not my favorite form of singing because the songs start sounding too similar. For those who love brutal grindcore mixed in a bloody cauldron of death then I recommend checking out this band. Gorefilia is a gruesomely heavy death grindcore album that is sure to scare your neighbors if you blasts this in your house.
To make the songs sound like a gore themed horror movie the band uses vey unique audio clips. Some of the sounds range from a surgical room in a hospital to blood gargling demonic speech. The shorter songs are probably the songs that I enjoy most, especially the twelve-second Mutilada Em 10s. The song is like a bomb exploding with an insanely quick rhythm followed by quick death metal vocals. Just as the song’s brutal fast paced sound hits you the next song begins with a thunderous roar. There are no slow songs on this album and if you are looking for melodic vocals then keep looking. Following the classic grindcore and gore themed death metal vocals the songs are heavy, but at times I don’t know what he is saying and it may have to do with the fact he is speaking Portuguese. I have a hard enough time trying to understand english death metal vocals, but when the singer is growling in his native tongue forget it. With some of the song titles I was using translation websites to figure out what certain songs were called like Trucidada Na Paragon which translates to “It Slaughtered in the Stop.”
Now I enjoy the extreme head banging brutal death metal grindcore, but eighteen tracks of the same style starts to get redundant. I respect Holocausto Canibal for staying true to their sound and not conforming to appease the masses, but they are a band where after hearing three songs I loose interest since there is a lack of dynamic creativity. The members in this band are excellent musicians and masters of their morbid craft. Vocally I hear common extreme low death metal growls that is personally not my favorite form of singing because the songs start sounding too similar. For those who love brutal grindcore mixed in a bloody cauldron of death then I recommend checking out this band. Gorefilia is a gruesomely heavy death grindcore album that is sure to scare your neighbors if you blasts this in your house.
Label: http://www.xtreemmusic.com
Reviewer: twansibon
Aug 7, 2012
Aug 7, 2012
Next review:
Deviant Process - Narcissistic Rage
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