Idisenfluch - Trostlos: Gefangen In Der Leere

This German outfit performs Melancholic Melodic Minimal Raw Black Metal.  Trostlos: Gefangen in der Leere contains 3 lengthy tracks plus one short song performed with a Piano. The songs are mid-tempo and besides the fast trebled guitar picking, pianos are also performed in the background thus enhancing both mood and melody.

The music is not outstanding but not bad either. Overall the tempo is still kept the same except for few minor occasions, where the drummer performs a bit of semi-fast blast beats. In general, the music is somehow monotonous since guitar riffing are continually repeated. Besides the melancholic side, certain hints of Viking metal is slightly present like for instance during the last few minutes of the track ‘Verwelkt’. Last but not least, the vocal performance is like shrieking echoed screams which suits quite well with the primitive production of this recording.

All in all, what makes the band distinguished from the rest of the Depressive/Suicidial Black Metal Scene is the use of the Pianos which almost gave the band a sound of its own.

Those individuals into this sub genre might enjoy these honest musical pieces presented in this MCD.

1. Leblos
2. Verwelkt
3. ...In Der Einsamkeit
4. Ein
letzter Hauch Von Leben

Black Devastation Records
Reviewer: Jo
Jan 20, 2010

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