Insision - Beneath The Folds Of Flesh

The first time I hear this band and it is a first strike! Brutal band from Sweden with drums that rage, brutal voice and the twin guitar riffs with nice melodies. 9 Tracks of skull splitting blasts in which I like the drumpatterns the most ("Trapped Within"!). I would like to hear more guitarleads but that is typical nowadays. I don't know their previous work but I guess it is brutal too. With a duration of 30 minutes it is not long but you can play it over and over and still like it. So take a listen to this band and judge for yourself.


1. World Impaled
2. Trapped Within
3. Sado God
4. Temple of Flesh
5. Rewind into Chaos
6. Impamiiz Graa
7. My Fever
8. Before My Altar
9. Ex Oblivione
Wicked World Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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