Inveracity - Circle Of Perversion

US style death metal from Greece. Inveracity was born in 1998 and delivering their debut in late 2003. 11 Tracks that slash through your head. Nice fast drumming with lots of double bass parts, brutal and deep vocals and the steady guitars. The songs are not filled with complexity but enough variation to get some tension. And on the other hand it is nothing new but just a nice piece of brutal death metal music that stills your hunger for a while. Another good release from the guys of UBR.


1. Savagely Beaten
2. Repulsed by Vaginal Reek
3. Fistfuck Sodomy
4. Defloration
5. Unconscious
6. Ejaculation over Mutilation
7. Blood of Impurity
8. Compulsive Degradation
9. She Died in My Arms
10. Eleven
11. Multiple Homicide

Unmatched Brutality Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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