Jungle Rot – What Horrors Await
Sixth new album for Jungle Rot, a band that probably doesn’t need any presentation after 14 years of releases and tours. They have never tried to be the goriest or most technical band in the underground, but instead have always looked for the right groove and mood, for the good songwriting. Stronger than ever, with a new deal with the Austrian Napalm Records, they are now back with What Horror Awaits and it’s time for a crushing old school death metal. Forget bands like Hate Eternal, Nile or every other highly acclaimed name of today: here you will find Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Obituary and little touch of Vader, intense grooves, killer double bass and brutally deep growls. Every metal veteran will love an album full of war atmospheres as Bolt Thrower taught and that will force you to the dear headbanging. On the contrary if you are looking only for the new sensation of the technical brutal death stay away from here.