Kadavar - Modern Vision Of Human Madness

Why the fuck do you start your first demo with a cover of legendary Death? Do you state that you are a copy-cat? Do you think you write song like Chuck did? Or do you wanna atract attention? Well, in the last case they won. Kadavar is a very young band from Italy and started in February 2007 but actually the line is the same as their previous band Bleeding Eyes. So this demo starts with "Zombie Ritual" and it sets the tone. Kadavar isn't just playing Death but they take the influences from that era (Carcass i.e.) and use to make their own songs. The lack of originality could break them up but the guys have a talent to become some cool underground band. If they could create an own face but with their influences they could create something nice in the future. So guys, work to do!

1. Zombie Ritual (cover Death)
2. Fear And Leathing
3. Abhorrences And Diseases
4. Inside Violence
Necrotorture Agency
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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