Knifethruhead/Casket Blaster - Split

The first band on this split CD, released by the Californian label Buriedinhell Records, is the one of the weirdest things that I have ever listened to. Knifethruhead are a seven piece combo from Sacramento,CA and what they play is a mind-blowing mixture of grindcore and powerviolence enriched with some saxophone. The opening track "Joggin' With My Dick Out" starts with slight acoustic guitar and the following sonic outburst will make your ears bleed. Imagine a cross between Old Lady Drivers and Anal Cunt mixed with saxophone noises in the vein of Painkiller. The following song "I Enjoy Chainsawing Your Face" have elements from the music of the mighty Macabre especially when the time comes for the jolly demented chorus. Knifethruhead's final piece of madness called "The Mystery Of The Tea Baggin' Nut Bandit" is a slower track compared with the first two,it has more melodic sax passages and two different type of vocals - one hysterically screaming and one low grunting. As a whole Knifethruhead were a really interesting experience and I will definitely search for more of their stuff.

On the other hand Casket Blaster are something completely different. They are from San Jose,CA and their vocalist Andre Lornejo has used his throat in the uber-technical death metallers Brain Drill. So Casket Blaster's two tracks "Shredded and Splintered" and "Blood on the Breath" are filled with technical performances,especially in the guitars department. Unfortunately I have heard all of this many times before and those tracks just fail to stay in the mind of the listener especially when compared to the outstanding tunes of Knifethruhead. Casket Blaster are good musicians for sure but they just can't stand out in the sea of similar death metal bands. Putting that aside,this split is an interesting offer from Buriedinhell Records so you won't lose anything if you give this an ear. And the cover artwork is some bizarre piece of art too!



1. Knifethruhead - Joggin' With My Dick Out
2. Knifethruhead - I Enjoy Chainsawing Your Face
3. Knifethruhead - The Mystery Of The Tea Baggin' Nut Bandit
4. Casket Blaster - Blood On The Breath
5. Casket Blaster - Shredded And Splitered

Reviewer: Tsvetan
Sep 27, 2012

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