Korpse - Unethical

'Unethical' is a brutal offering for a second album by Netherland's most vicious death metal band, Korpse. After a brief slamming breakdown introduction track, begins ''Collateral Casualties', this track already surpasses all expectations from the band's previous 2014 self titled album, not only in production but ultimately in heaviness and capability to progress their genre. By genre I mean brutal slamming death metal, and whilst this band cater for a lot of the more core aspects of the metal realm, this doesn't really feel like such a negative segment. The breakdowns are heavier than your average deathcore band, but the vocals are the main focus that deters any raised eyebrows. As brutal as slam vocalists come, this one has mastered almost every inch including ferocious growls, squeals, gutturals - you name it! 'Incinerate' allows the vocals to wreck chaos throughout, and just from this early track you know the album will follow in it's destructive footsteps.

Favourable tracks among this beast of an album include 'Stoneage' - which concludes to some of the more heavier sounding slam styled breakdown. 'Retaliation' is the album's debut music video, something of a rarity in the slam scene, but the track and video work a treat, especially because this is one of the more intense songs on the album, not to mention the interesting  mid- album interludes that add to the album's oddity, as well as the finale 'Eternal Misery' which has one of those fucking massive bass drops leading into a repetitive breakdown which eventually ends the record.

Korpse are one of the more likely slam bands to go far in life; This is proven by their monstrous techniques, crushing live performances, and that this album is miles better than their first record. The band would fit almost on any death metal lineup, as well as deathcore lineups or any other extreme metal shows, and this personally is why Korpse are able to up their game and progress in the world of metal. Having released probably one of the more heavier albums of the year, it's safe to say this record will make it's name along some of the end-of-year lists, including mine.

  1. Conquer
  2. Collateral Casualties
  3. Incinerate
  4. Deformed To The Extreme
  5. Stoneage
  6. Cleaning The Aftermath
  7. Cannibal Warlords
  8. Unethical
  9. Retaliation
  10. Monastery Waste
  11. Eternal Misery