Krypt - I Am God
Well how about that...more Black Metal from Norway. Yeah you guys are suprised right??? I'm just kidding (smile)... "I Am God" is an awesome sounding release production wise. I really like this release because its metal back to its roots. Playing in the vein of the originators such as Venom, Destruction, Sodom, and Possessed, but with there own personal twists. This is flat out, a heavy release that harnesses the power and energy of Krypt and unleash it on the listener with no remorse or reguard for your neighbors, speakers, or fragile sensibilities. Get this if your dig old school, or if your just one of those fans who is really all about black metal. Hail Satan..or...some shit like that. Just pick up "I Am God"!! It' pretty fucking cool!
Agonia Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009
Feb 26, 2009
Next review:
Krossbreed - Enjoy The Rage
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