Liftid - Our Choice of Weapon

Liftid are a rock band from the Netherlands that perform a screamo brand of rock. Our Choice of Weapon is a brief 4 track EP that features some groovy, punk influenced music that, unfortunately, sounds like about fifteen other bands that came before it. Bullet for My Valentine, Aiden, Sick Puppies, The Devil Wears Prada, you name it, you've heard it, it's basically these guys. It is very hard to consider this band original and exciting when it sounds like a carbon copy of about almost every other screamo band out there, and with such a limited track selection to show the band's talent.

Opening with "Marching Men," the music is a hard hitter that involves thick, chugging riffs that are fist pumpers and the alternating screaming to flat singing vocals that one might hear on a band like The Used. After a while this may seem like a fun ride, but eventually the vocals may get to the listener. When they scream they sound strained and piecing, while the singing can be just annoying, especially when the vocals are layered. "Burning Brides" is a little more flavorful in the guitar riff sense, and the vocals even seem a little better. They seem more in time with the music when grouped together and create a good balance with the instruments because they don't try to overpower the music like in the first track. "Tonight We Ride" unfortunately slides back into the poor vocal tones, but the bass is more audible in the riffs and there's even some more varied drumming work, especially with the cymbal chimes. But, it isn't the best track; that goes to "Bravery" which is sadly a few minutes too short but is one glorious hard rock hit in the way the riffs sound. They just hammer and chug away making the vocals almost forgiveable.

Overall, the band needs work. Their riffs are fine, but with Our Choice of Weapon it is obvious that Liftid could create something more inspring and still catchy and exciting in the screamo department. There is a moment of glory for the vocals, however, as in the end of the last track there's a tone change to the screaming and the vocalist starts almost growling a bit. If they capitalize on that, they just might be something marvelous.

  1. Marching Men

  2. Burning Bridges

  3. Tonight We Ride

  4. Bravery

Reviewer: Colin McNamara
Feb 19, 2010

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