Machetazo – Mundo Cripta

Fourth full length album from this death metal band from Spain that doesn’t need any presentation: 15 years on the scene, quite 20 official releases and always the same dissident underground attitude.

Mick Harris told about them that “Machetazo is solid old school deathgrind played with passion and conviction” and I think that these words are simply perfect to describe what we can listen here. Machetazo are a mature band that has reached its own style not today or yesterday but many years ago, improving every performance during the whole career: we are in front of three guys that know what they’re doing and their growth is today more clear than ever. Mundo Cripta is a great mixture of old school parts like Autopsy / Dismember with a cool dose of aggressive grind blasts and this morbid gore horrific atmosphere that infects the whole work. True Underground!

1. Exorcismo
2. Muerte Helada
3. Alucinaciones Blasfemas
4. Mortifero Ente Demoniaco
5. Atormentado Por Bastias Resucitadas
6. Altares De Lo Macabro
7. El Wendigo
8. Estigma Licantropo
9. Descenso Al Sotano De La Morbosidad
10. Extasis Nauseabondo
11. Delirio En El Pozo De Excrementos
12. Totem (De Restos Humanos)
13. Fiebres De La Peste
14. Tu Piel Se Pudre Y Cae
15. Los Cuentos Del Munon Gangrenoso V (Credo In Extremis)
No Escape Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009

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