Mental Amputation - Utter Subordination

Mental Amputation is total German Death Metal, and their self-released "Utter Subordination" is a CD worth investing in. It opens with some tribal chants, like all good pagan music should, and then as the rhythms pick up, the beauty falls apart and is replaced by some very dedicated death metal but with an opening reminiscent of Darkthrone’s “Cromlech” (or the Emperor version for that matter). The drums blast on through the first track and the vocals are pure death metal with an edge of fellow German metalers, A.W.A.S. What I mean, the vocals are not Cannibal Corpse death vox, they are more kin to something walking across death genres, like something made from pieces of Cattle Decapitation, a tiny piece of Prayer for Cleansing, and a layer of guttural tossed on top like the very best icing. Hmmm hmmm good!

The third track, “Scars Remain,” continues in this awesome cross genre brutality by tightening the drums and the strings all together for opening pounds only to be slightly broken by lighter old school metal guitar mini-riffing. Then the track opens back up with black metal drums but with a song that keeps slowing down, pleasurably I might add, and stopping the black metal clichés from piling up too fast (not that I am not a fan of course of regular old black metal). I can tell that this is a DIY album, but the quality of musicianship makes up for the slightly low-noise recording. But at the same time, I also feel that that low noise effect builds tension underneath the surface, sort of like how AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck” never actually blows it wad. I feel like Mental Amputation is just scratching the surface of their hate and of their recording future. So if it takes a self release of a CD as cool as "Utter Subordination" to get that started, then so be it. It is possible that they do not want to sign with anyone. You will have to contact them to ask (info below).
I fully recommend looking into buying Mental Amputation’s "Utter Subordination". It is a fine example of the new wave of death metal (NWODM).

1. Slavish Obedience (Intro)
2. Biophobia
3. Scars Remain
4. Plaguebringer
5. Sterile Entity
6. Parasites Paradise
7. Paved With Guts
8. My Utopia
9. Exit...To End
10. Messiah Of Nescience

Self released
Reviewer: Jesse
Feb 26, 2009

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