Mind Propaganda - The First Strike
Testament re-affirmed to the world that The First Strike is still deadly. Testament will be proud to know that Mind Propaganda hailing fom the Ukraine, have picked up that same torche-and have made the first strike! M.P proclaim themselves as “Atmospheric Heathen Black Metal”! I cant argure that- there is no better description. MP Do not limit themselves to 1 musical style, they incorporate many. From the Icy Black of Gorgorth and Mayhem, and the furious melodic side of Vital Remains. They even have a little 80’s in there. Drum, Machines, cold symphonic guitars, hypnotic vocals. The 2 impressive things about this release is that you can hear what MP is singing about. The other is that the songs as a whole are so mezmorizing that it is almost subliminal! The Devil on my shoulder finally has a voice!
Blazing Productions
Reviewer: Rick
Feb 26, 2009
Feb 26, 2009
Next review:
Mind Over Madder - Terrortory
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