Mind Propaganda - The First Strike

Testament re-affirmed to the world that The First Strike is still deadly. Testament will be proud to know that Mind Propaganda hailing fom the Ukraine, have picked up that same torche-and have made the first strike! M.P proclaim themselves as “Atmospheric Heathen Black Metal”! I cant argure that- there is no better description. MP Do not limit themselves to 1 musical style, they incorporate many. From the Icy Black of Gorgorth and Mayhem, and the furious melodic side of Vital Remains. They even have a little 80’s in there. Drum, Machines, cold symphonic guitars, hypnotic vocals. The 2 impressive things about this release is that you can hear what MP is singing about. The other is that the songs as a whole are so mezmorizing that it is almost subliminal! The Devil on my shoulder finally has a voice!

1. Enter The Path Of War!
2. Call Of Blood
3. The Last Minutes Of Life...
4. Graveyard Silence
5. Forgotten Roots
6. Quintessence Of Darkthrone
7. ...Fire! Fire!

Blazing Productions
Reviewer: Rick
Feb 26, 2009

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