Moulded Flesh - In The Hands Of Evil

Their 1th full length album contains 8 tracks and is over in 30 minutes. After those 30 minutes you play it again. Why? Because this old school death metal with thrash riffs is beside brutal also catchy. Growling vocals and dominant thrash guitars in up tempo songs with mosh break parts. The bands will never be known for their technical complexity therefor the drums are too simple and no finger breaking guitar riffs. But the band is able to make a nice album that listens easily away and still sounding intense and powerful.

1. Use And Abuse
2. Thriving Scum
3. Afterlife Obsession (Sacrificial Credo)
4. I Don't Need You
5. Mental Dead End
6. Spoilt For Scorn
7. Free Reign
8. Brutal Judgement (Sraj Si?)

Deus Mortuus Productions
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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