Pig’s Blood – A Flock Slaughtered

Pig’s Blood fire back with a second full length following their harsh and abrasive self-titled debut.

"A Flock Slaughtered" pretty much carry’s on from where the first album left off, Starting off with a short punk drum beat and rhythm before a short pause and the opening riff makes way for the opening track 'Gates Ripped Open'. The Scoring riffing with those familiar glass gurgling vocals, has it already been two years?

There isn’t even a pause before we are on the second track 'Unamiable Death' which has a black metal fill with its frantic yet melodic shredding. 'Violent Spirit Of Decadence' musically actually brings to mind Malevolent Creation. Which brings me to what is so great about Pig’s Blood, they play death metal in a slight, punk way which gives them a raw, not sloppy but an organic edge which just verges on black metal. A lot like Angelcorpse in that sense they slot in nicely between sub genres which will serve them well getting tours and shows. They will naturally fit the bill opening for Malevolent Creation as they would Marduk or Blasphemy.

'Anti-Kosmic Discord' is a real highlight mixing fast and slower rhythms and mixing some brilliant melodic solos. Things pause for breath slightly on an interlude before pushing us back into the murky depths with the vicious title track. Album closer 'Enforced Agony' kicks off with a bass intro before unleashing hell once more.

One criticism with Pig’s Blood is their lack of standout individual tracks. While that may be I think Pig’s Blood are just one of those bands that are better enjoyed listening to their albums as a piece. How often do you put any other band of their style and just listen to select tracks? The album works as a half hour session and I have no doubt a toxic mixture of track from both the band’s albums will make a punishing live set.


1. Gates Ripped Open (Scum Choking Out The Meek)
2. Unnamable Death (Unspeakable One Honored)
3. Violent Spirit Of Decadence (Humiliating The False Triumphant)
4. Anti-Kosmic Discord (Meaningless Self-Sacrifice)
5. Maniacal Triumph-S Embrace (Narcotic Lust)
6. Bloodshed Hell (Interlude)
7. A Flock Slaughtered (Unfettered Maniacs)
8. Possessed By Nightfall (Violently Freeing Oneself From The Bonds Of Life)
9. Aberration (Submit Or Perish)
10. Enforced Agony (The Noose Tightened)