Pitiful Reign - Visual Violence

Adding to the new wave of thrash music is Pitiful Reign and their contribution is called “Visual Violence.” These thrashers from the U.K play it right, heavy and fast. With songs like Human Coleslaw and Trash Boobs and Zombies they up both the gore and a bit of the humor factor. Comparing the Municipal Waste and Warbringer would be fine, though Pitiful Reign is more of a mix of the two. Their songs mix and match between the party thrash of Municipal Waste and the kill everyone with tanks thrash of Warbringer.  The sound on the album is perfect, tight drums, lighting fast guitars and a great bass line to provide a solid floor for blistering leads. Out of the new thrash bands coming out, Pitiful Reign seems to have great balance between the instruments and vocals. Nothing is drowned out, or buried. The bass compliments the drums, which don’t cover up the guitars.

There are some people out there, who aren’t big fans of this new thrash revolution, but regardless, Pitiful Reign has got a great thrash sound and “Visual Violence” will have you banging your head for sure.

1. Visual Violence
2. Human Coleslaw
3. D.I.V.E
4. Fatality
5. Malevolence of The Butcher
6. Rapid Deployment
7. Push to Prime
8. Thrash Boobs and Zombies
Punishment 18 Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009

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