Pombagira - Black Axis Abraxas
It didn't seem that long ago i reviewed their first album "The Crooked Path" so this coming out when it did took me by surprise.The debut album showed the potential this band had and i am glad to say with this album some of that potential is really shining through.While the first album had a lot of long rambling riffs and this album has the same,on this album they sound more concise and focused.This album only has two tracks covering over 50 minutes of Sludge Doom in the tradition of epic Doom pieces like Sleep's Dopesmoker.The title track "Black Axis Abraxas" almost drowns itself in a trudging riffery but somehow keeps it together for over 30 minutes.Like the songs on the first album,it takes a few listens before the you really get to grips with the track.The band do have their fair share of repetition so you have to give it time to fully appreciate what is going on.There seems to be less vocal on this album and also the band seems to be more focused on being Depressive,Bleak and even more Minimalist than ever before.Tracks like "Black Axis Abraxas" maybe too long for some people to handle and with the meandering riffs that go on and on,it is a album for the Hardcore Sludge/Doom purist.I am a purist in that sense so i like this track but if you like your Doom to be ever changing and moving then this maybe a bit too hard to take.Even better though is the other track " Idol of Perversity" which is more dynamic in arrangement,the track switches from more mellow moments to some brutal passages along with some cool solos and even some Psychedelic sections.The tune is still total Doom and Gloom but is a much more listenable piece compared to the title track.Fans of Sleep,Electric Wizard and Reverend Bizarre will get something out of this i am sure while folks new to Doom Metal may find this album too repetitive and the songs way too long to keep your attention.Personally i think this is a slight improvement on the first album and they seem to be getting better all the time.The next album could be a all time classic but in the meantime check this out,its 50 minutes of pure crust filled Sludge and Doom.The album comes in a great looking package with a booklet and lyrics,out on the Withered Hand Records label.
Withered Hand Records
Reviewer: Ed
Oct 1, 2009
Oct 1, 2009
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Black Pyramid - Black Pyramid
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