Poverty's No Crime - The Chemical Chaos

From Germany comes this power metal band that is delivering their 5th album. Tracks filled with diverse guitarriffs and nice leads, clean male vocals who doesn't try to shout his lungs out of reach, different melodies and tempo. Even keyboards can be heard in the backgrounds. The songs are long of duration and a lot is happening in them but maybe that is the reason why they play conceptual music. Really an album that must be listen to and not as background music.

1. Walk into nowhere
2. Every kind of life
3. All minds in one
4. A world without me
5. Terminal trip
6. Pact with the past
7. Left to change
8. Moving target
9. Do waht you feel
10. Access denied (bonus)

InsideOut Music
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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