Redimoni - On The Brink Of Existence

Redimoni are a thrash metal group from Barcelona Spain with incredible speed and blasts thrown into their music Redimoni are certainly on the much faster side of the genre. With slight elements of groove thrown in but mainly a speed centred album.

Starting off with the track , 'As The Soul Leaves The Body' which is a great introduction to the band as a whole demonstrating there greatest force being the guitar work, throwing in plenty of headbanging riffs into the intro alone, then at around the one and a half minute mark the vocals come in. Personally I am not a massive fan of the vocal work on this album as its mainly high pitched which makes me find it annoying however it must be said that there are many bands with this style of vocals so even though it is not for me I would still highly suggest listening as you may love it. That being said even though the vocals aren't perfect the guitar and drums carry the opening song.

This album has a clear love for the early days of thrash with its clearer tonne and more rhythm based riffs as oppose to supreme technicality. The best way to describe the tone of this album is it sounds similar to the band Overkill however Redimoni have thrown their own unique twist on the genre bringing in a much faster pacing and focusing more on main riffs rather than guitar solos which I believe creates a much groovier and headbanging atmosphere behind the album.

One of the tracks which surprised me was, 'Der Tag Der Rache,' which translates to, 'The Day Of Vengence' which is a fitting name as the track comes at you with pure brutality incorporating lower demonic vocals to start off setting the tone of war for the rest of the song. The track also allows the drums to truly shine through with the majorly faster pacing in areas. Keeping the pace with the rest of the album 'Der Tag Der Rache' gives us a slight change in the vocal style which in turn keeps the atmosphere of the whole album whilst giving us a great element of change meaning that you are never bored when listening to the album as a whole.

That being said many of the songs share the same formula meaning that a couple of the songs off the album merge into one upon listening giving non-stop speed however the songs that do sound similar come after each other making it seem like one large song and unfortunately it is rather irritating.

All in all Redimoni have created a fantastic album that definitely deserves your recognition as it is a stand out thrash album of 2021 so far offering a creative spin on the genre whilst simultaneously sticking to the roots of old school thrash metal.

4 / 5 STARS

1. As The Soul Leaves The Body
2. Death Shall Come To Us All
3. Der Tag Der Rache
4. Ancient Buried Secrets
5. Axes

Self released
Reviewer: Tom Peppard
May 25, 2021

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