Requiem Laus - Impulse

Requiem Laus unleash what seems like a brief extension to their sophomore effort 'As Long As Darkness Bleeds' with their EP 'Impulse.' The music is dark and atmospheric, blending Melo-death with Doom in a twisted fashion. The album opens with a brief horror sampling of a woman speaking and then leads into the churning, yet enjoyable title track. Although chaotic, the deep growling and almost slow pace of the guitars makes it feel like Septic Flesh without the symphonic influences. The interlude "Desvanecer" is a great moment of soft guitar that would have been great had it been mixed up with the rest of the music for a more epic orchestration. The closing "Absence" brings back the spoken word elements during the slower moments, but they are often overtaken by the instruments. Still, the poetic, yet vulgar nature continues to support the Doom based atmosphere in combination with the high energy output of the Melo-death. Overall, this EP doesn't deviate much from what Requiem Laus usually does, but grants new listeners a nice introduction to what could possibly lead them to other exciting releases by the band. For older fans, this is just a taste of what is to come.


  1. Innocence
  2. Impulse
  3. Disarm
  4. Desvanecer
  5. Absence

Self released
Reviewer: Colin McNamara
Sep 24, 2012
Next review: Kalodin - SARV

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