Searing I - Post Traumatic Death Disorder
New death from Sweden. Had some trouble finding much with concerns to this album and band hence will give you my view based on what I was able to grasp from Searing I's myspace page and the 2 tracks that I had to go from for this album. This is a fast pulse ripping right through to the bone piece of work. Mixing the new death sound with classic thrash riffs "Post Traumatic Death Disorder" seems like it is heading in the right direction but there seems to be something lacking with it's essence. The extremely forced-stressed out vocals didnt cut it for me unfortunately but I will say that this album and band seem to have potential and I hope that they are able to smooth out the edges when it comes to recording their next album.
Self released
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009
Jun 26, 2009
Next review:
Slaughter Brute - Excellent Meat
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