September Murder – He Who Invokes Decadence

September Murder hails from Thale, Germany and their first full-length album ‘He Who Invokes Decadence’ (released in June 2013) is a must have for any heavy metal fiend.  The complexity of this album is amazing to say the least.  The vast intricacies of instruments and vocals flood the ears with a cascade of melodies and harmonies that can be heard under the frequent growls of the vocalist.

The opening track, ‘Under Severed Skies,’ begins with haunting guitar riffs paving the way for remarkable drums and standout lead guitar. It then trickles back into three chilling chords that lull before the explosion of shattering vocals.  Trickery at its finest, indeed.
It’s a skull crushing listen until you get to Track Four, ‘From Adoration…’ which is a deep instrumental breath before more even more skull crushing.

However, there is an interesting bridge in ‘May Conviction Force Reckoning.’  It doesn't fit only because it is a groove blues bass solo out of left field. Say what?  I get artists experimenting, but this bridge is so unfitting the first time I listened to this album I had to double check to see if somehow a different artist started to play on my computer.

‘He Who Invokes Decadence’ is undeniably creative to say the least in that the experimentation with chords, melodies, harmonies all the while keeping with the growling vocals makes this album enjoyable.

1. Under Severed Skies
2. Two Culprits, One Oath
3. Among Vultures
4. From Adoration…
5. … To Deterrence
6. May Conviction Force Reckoning
7. In Celebration Of Mankind’s Wretchedness
8. He Who Invokes Decadence

Self released
Reviewer: Darlene Steelman
Aug 8, 2013

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